Chapter 116: More victims

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James was in his car lying in wait listening to his radio.

"Burn baby burn. Disco Inferno." He sang along.

He pulled out his phone and re watched his masterpiece from last night. Still singging he smiled at his work.

Looking up from his phone he spotted his next vitctim. He crept up behind him and knocked him with the fire extinguisher (can't spell this word to save my life. Lol.). He drug the body to his truck and threw him on the bed. He bound and gagged the man and headed of to make his new masterpiece.


"I dare you to catch me Feds." James said in the video.

The BAU family had receved this video from James late last night. Garcia had watched it for the 50th time in the past hour and was beyond fruastrated! She really wanted to catch this bastard.

Morgan and Hotch were at the recent scene, Rossi and Reid were at the MEs office, and JJ and Emily were with Garcia trying to track the pyscho pyro down.

"Anything Garcia?" JJ asked.

"Unless this guy used an outdated Tracfone this is becoming a real pain in my backside. Anything on the map?" Garcia asked.

"Nothing really. Only that this is Spencers thing and the guy traveled 12 miles between the warehouse district and the city to get his victim." Emily sighed.

They got back to it when Garcia got a hit on something.

"Guys. I got something. Ok one he's using an Android smartphone and two it's stolen. It's original owner lives in Utah." She said.

"Good job Garcia. I'll call Hotch." JJ said.

Recent scene-Warehouse District.

"Ok so the guy starts the fire and sits back and watches the show. In the middle he records it and challenges us." Morgan said.

"He wants us to know that he has control and we can't stop him." Hotch said going into the burnt container.

Morgan stepped in they looked around. Morgan spotted burnt tools. He'd guessed if the weren't burnt they would have blood on them from the other victims and the recent one. Hey drawn out of his thoughts by Hotchs hand.

"JJ just called. Garcia found out our UnSub is using a stolen smartphone." Hotch relayed.

"Hmm. He's trying to throw us off. He knows were getting close to finding him." Morgan said.

"Let's go back and see what else we can't get." Hotch said.

He and Morgan went back to the station.

ME Office.

Rossi held Reid tightly in his arms. Though he was safe, he remembered the one ME and she and her brother were the UnSubs, and they were setting fires.

"So the victim here was obviously burned to death, but the concussion, burises, gashes were done before." He said.

"So fa UnTub mus towtuwe fem and fen tills fem. But he tills fem when theiw awate. Wewe fewe any dwugs in his tytem?" Spencer asked.

'So damn adorable!' The ME thought for a second. "No. No drugs were found nor alcohol."

"So he was awake the whole time. And the other victims were male as well right?" Rossi asked.

"Yes sir. All victims were male." The ME said.

"Thank you for your time." Rossi said shaking the doctors hand.

"My pleasure. You and Grandpa catch this bad guy for me ok?" The doctor asked.

"Otay! Bye bye!" Spencer said.

The ME chuckled. Rossi carried Spencer outside and got him settled in his car seat.

Spencer snuck a glance at Rossi.

"You know. I'm my pinion you'd be a good ganpa, or daddy." Spencer said.

Rossi smiled at the baby. "I'm kinda old to be a father and since you have one already I think I'll be the grandfather. I'm old enough for that."

Spencer smiled at his grandfather. Rossi does make a good grandfather.


The girls had found that another victim was taken.

"Daniel Ryder. 20. Sophmore at Pittsburgh U, was taken from the parking deck out front of the school. No witnesses." Garcia sadly relayed.

"We need to work faster. We need to stop him before he sets another fire." Hotch said.

They looked torwards the door as Rossi and Spencer walked in. Rossi set the toddler on his and he jumped into Hotchs arms.

"Daddy! We found fat fa UnTub towtuwes fa victims and burm fem when theiw awate!" Spencer relayed.

"Good job buddy. Both of you. Garcia found the video was recorded on a stolen Android. Also another victim was taken." Hotch told the two.

A boy rushed in. "Please help! My boyfriend Daniel! He's missing!"

Morgan and Emily took the young to an interragation room and talked to him.

"He says he tried Daniels phone an hour ago and said he was fine til heard a clang like something being hit by a blunt object." Emily said.

"See if we can borrow his phone." Hotch said.

Morgan came back with the phone and Hotch told Garica to check and see if Daniel still had his.

"Bingo! Their back at the warehouse district." Garcia said.

Hotch gave Spencer to Garcia and they rushed off.

"Be tafe." Spencer whispered.

Garcia heard him and tightened her hold.

"They'll be fine snuggle bunny." She soothed.

He only nodded and buried his face in her shoulder. Garcia rubbed his back and rocked him.

Warehouse District.

The black SUV soared down the road and they managed to find Daniel. But no sign of the UnSub.

They took Daniel back to the station for questioning. As they turned around the container that held Daniel exploded.

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