Chapter 129: Haley?

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M.E. Lab

"Well, this is interesting." The doctor said.

"What is it?" asked the assistant.

"The agents UnSub died of laughter." He said.

"Died of laughter? How is that possible?" the assistant asked.

"Lack of oxygen. He laughed so hard he suffocated." The doctor explained.

"What'll we tell the agents?" He asked.

"The truth of course. Now I must get to the hospital to tell SSA Hotchner." The doctor said slipping his hat and coat on.

The assistant chuckled as he watched the doctor go.

"Death by laughter...huh. That's definitely going in the books." He said to himself.


Spencer came to feeling strong, warm arms around him and a soft voice humming. His body ached and his head was killing him. He opened his eyes to find his daddy rocking him.

"Spencer you're awake! How do you feel?" He asked.

"My head huwts," Spencer said scratchily.

Hotch gave him some water and called the doctor.

"Well howdy there little one. Daddy says your head hurting. Well, that's because you got a nasty boo boo there, but don't worry this medicine will make you feel much better." She said giving the toddler the medicine.

"How are my other agent's doctor?" Hoch asked.

"From what I've heard, they're just banged up." She said.

Hotch nodded. He turned his attention back to his charge. The doctor smiled and went back to her rounds.

A few minutes after she left the rest of the family piled in and smiled at their now sleeping charge.

"How is he Hotch?" asked Morgan.

"Just banged up and has a nasty gash on his head. Other than that he's fine." He said not taking his eyes off the baby. "How are you guys?"

"Same as Spence. Just banged up. Nothing broken nothing need surgery or attention." JJ said carding a hand through the baby's soft hair.

"Good," Hotch said.

The M.E. walked in and smiled at the family. He knocked lightly on the doorframe to get their attention. They all looked toward him.

"Can we help you?" Morgan asked.

"Yes. I'm the M.E. I have news on your UnSub." He said.

"Our UnSub?" Rossi asked.

"Yes. Micheal. We found his body late last night at the old abandoned hospital." The M.E. said.

"So our UnSubs dead?" Emily asked.

The M.E. nodded, pulling out a file and handing it to Hotch.

"Your UnSub died of laughter believe it or not." He said.

"You're joking right?" Morgan asked wondering if the doctor was on some sort of drug.

"Nope. He really died of laughter. He laughed so hard he suffocated from lack of oxygen. So to answer your next question, yes you can die of laughter." The doctor explained.

"Well, that explains a lot." Emily scoffed.

The others chuckled.

"Thank you, doctor," Hotch said.

"You're welcome." He said taking his leave.

Hotch turned his attention right back to his charge. He rubbed his back while he started to rock again.

While the others went back to the station Hotch got Spencer's release papers and checked him out.

They wearily piled on the jet after cleaning up their mess and checking out of the hospital and hotel.

Nobody really talked. They just slept or read all the way home.

When Hotch got to his house, Spencer was half awake and there was another car in the driveway.

Taking Spencer to the house, he slowly went inside and found Haley.

"Haley? What are you doing here?" He asked.

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