Chapter 72: Portland Oreagon

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"Portland, Oreagon. 5 males from a local trade school have gone missing. 2 were found dead last night, and another 2 were dropped off at nearby hospital. 1 is still missing. And all of them were gay." Garcia informed.

"The UnSub could be gay, but afraid to show it so he kidnaps others." JJ theorized.

"Fa UnTub tould be gay but he pwobably tan't attept yet and tidnaps fa others to tow it. Or fa UnTub tould be traight but hates gays." The mini agent said yawning.

The girls gave an 'aw'. He was just so cute waking up!

"Alright. When we land, Emily and JJ take Spencer to the station and get set up. Morgan and Rossi you'll come with me to the dumpsite." Hotch said.

When they landed they got into separate SUVs and headed out.


JJ carried in a half-asleep Spencer and Emily carried in their things. The chief was waiting for them.

"Howdy. Welcome to Oreagon. I'm chief Wesley Conners." He introduced shaking their hands. "Awww someone's tired huh?"

"Yeah, well someone was up early and it's almost their naptime." JJ said rubbing the toddlers back. He led them down the hall to a fair size conference room. Emily sat the box down and started un-packing.

"Yeah I know how that is. Got a little one myself. My oldest is in College. Littlest one's in pre-school." He said. "They grow up so fast these days. Seems only yesterday my oldest was being brought home."

"I know what you mean. This guy's growning up fast, so's my other one." JJ said.

"Yeah. Well. I best let you get to it. Be in my office if you need me, and the other officers are around they'll be happy to help." He said.

"Thank you" Emily and JJ both said.

Emily glanced at Spencer and smiled. The tiny agent had fallen right back to sleep.

"Looks like someone's down for the count." Emily said.

JJ looked at Spencer and chuckled. She sat down and started rocking.

"I think you, Pen, and I should steal Spence for a weekend. Those boys have hogged him enough." JJ said.

"I know. And I agree. After this case, he's ours." Emily said.

"Who's ours my lovelies?" Garcia asked popping up on the screen. "Aww. It's someone's naptime."

"Yeah it is. And Spence. Emily suggested we as in the three of us should kidnap him for a weekend after this case." JJ said.

"Oh totally! It'd be so much fun!" She said.

They chatted for a minute and then got to work.


Hotch and the other two, were on their way back to the station. It started downpouring and there really wasn't much. Then again when you dump at a river, most of the evidence gets washed away.


The men walked in the station angry, after getting by the angry mob that is the press. Their expressions softened when their eyes landed on their youngest. Emily was rocking him and Spencer was off in lala land.

They began working on the profile. They figured since gay males were targeted the UnSub was male. Since the abductions happen at a trade school he had to be in his early to late 20s.

They called it a night after awhile. They really didn't have much to go on.


Hotch carried in a sleepy toddler. He got him bathed and ready for bed. Hotch tucked him and kissed his forehead. Spencer rolled over and mumbled something. Again Hotch swore he heard 'I love you daddy'. Rolling with it he got settled himself.


"Oh baby. So tight."

"Please. Please let me go."

"Mmmm. I'm gonna make you beg all night."


"No huh?"

The walls became stained by blood.

"That's what you get, for not obeying."

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