Chapter 98: New Orleans, Louisiana

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"New Orleans, Louisiana. A psychopath is running rampant. He's killed literally hundreds of people and tortured many others. Psychiatrists (Can't spell that either. Lol.), say he's suffering from some kind of an emotional break. The local PD has called usto track and bring him down by any means necessary." JJ relayed.

She was not a happy camper. If Will was working with the PD she didn't really want to see him. But she did miss Henry. She really wanted to see him. She glanced at Spencer who was sitting on Morgans lap eating the sugary cereal he likes so much.

"Pretty Boy, doesn't Artemis want some?" Morgan asked.

"Awtemis, would you lite tome?" The toddler asked. "He tays no, but fant you fow finting of him."

Morgan chuckled. "You're welcome."

The other smiled at the interaction.

"Brothers til the end." Rossi said.

Hotch nodded. He watched as his two boys continued to devour the box.

When they landed they piled in the SUVs and drove off.


JJ was right. Will was working. He came over to greet them. He glanced at JJ but she didn't look at him. She took Spencer and headed into their mini headquaters and got straight to work.

"I don't blame her for being mad. I just hope I can get her to talk to me." Will said.

"She'll come around man. Just give her time." Morgan said patting his back.

Will nodded. He got to work with Hotch and Rossi.

"JJ." Reid said.

"Yeah Spence?" JJ asked.

"A awe you otay?" The mini agent asked.

She smiled at the baby. She palmed his cheek.

"Yes Spence. I'm okay." She said.

The toddler nodded. He knew she was lying but decided to humor her for now. He sighed and got back to his map.

He found several dumpsites in abandoned areas in the outskrits of town, and the abduction sites were either malls or gorcery stores.

'This guys is whack. People are humans not items.' Spencer thought.

Spencer also flipped through files and found that the UnSub had a family but the wife due to a drunk driver and the son was abducted at a grocery store and his body was found in a abandoned hospital in the outskirts of the city.

Hours went by they only had what Reid found to go on. So they called it a night.


Hotch carried in sleeping Spencer. While he went to get the room keys he passed Spencer to Morgan. Spencer startled awake.

"Hey Baby Boy. Go back to sleep. Everythings okay." Morgan soothed.

Spencer laid his head back on Morgans shoulder and fell back asleep. Morgan rubbed his back and walked with Hotch to his room.

JJ went with Emily to their room. Emily looked at JJ and sighed.

"I know what you're thinking and I'm okay." JJ said.

"Are you sure?" Emily asked.

JJ nodded. "I just need a little more time."

It was Emilys turn to nod. "If you want to talk I'm here for you."

"I know. Thanks Em." JJ smiled at her.

Emily gave her a quick hug.

"I don't know about you but I'm going to grab a shower and sleep. I'm exhuasted." Emily said.

"Sounds like a plan." JJ said.

In Hotchs room

Hotch woke Spencer long enough to bathe and change him. And to give him his medicine.

Spencer fisted his eyes and laid back down. He snuggled into Hotch and Artemis. The father and son drifted off to oblivion.


"Who are you?"

"I'm your father Kyle. Remember?"

"I'm not Kyle! I'm not even a boy! I'm Kylie! Now let me go!"

"Not Kyle?"

"No! Now release me!"



The plain white wall was now painted a pretty red color.

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