Chapter 114: Meet your new Director

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When Spencer woke the next morning he instantly knew he was on the jet by the way it bumped and swayed. He blinked his eyes open then fisted them to get the sleep out. He looked up at Hotch.

Hotch looked down and smiled at his charge. He adjusted his hold and helped Spencer get dressed. Once that was done JJ placed a bowl of cinnamon apples in front of him. He ate them sleepily.

"Why awe going home?" He asked.

"We have to meet our new director." Hotch repiled.

Spencer nodded and finished his breakfast. Knowing that it would be a long flight home, Garcia had games for them to play and books to read to Spencer at naptime.

Emily, Morgan, Reid, and JJ played Mouse Trap. Spencer won the first few rounds but lost to JJ the last one. Then he played Chutes and Ladders with Garcia and Rossi. Hotch couldn't really play, he wanted to but couldn't. He had to work on some paperwork that needed his attention. Morgan and Reid played squares and circles*. Spencer won a few and then the rest were cats games. They played one more game before lunch. Morgan, Rossi, Reid, and the girls all played Monopoly. It was boys vs girls and of course the boys won.

"I swear you cheated somehow." Emily whined.

"Sorry. We can't help if the kid's too good." Morgan defended.

"Next time he's on our team." JJ said getting up.

While the others argued JJ got out the sandwiches they made this morning. Morgan had the roast beef, Hotch ham and cheese, Rossi and JJ had grilled chicken, Emily and Garcia had BLTs, and their baby had grilled turkey and cheese.

Once lunch time was over Hotch took his son and changed him into a clean pull up and settled on the couch. Garcia got out the childrens books and speard them out on the floor.

"Ok son. Pick a story." Hotch said.

Spencer looked at his choices. Green Eggs and Ham, Good Night Moon, If You Give A Mouse A Cookie, One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish, and the Cat in the Hat. Spencer pointed to the one he wanted.

"Fat one." He said.

Hotch picked up Green Eggs and Ham.

"This one?" Hotch asked.

The toddler nodded. Hotch got him and Spencer comfortable and began reading, "I do not Green Eggs and Ham. I do not like them Sam I Am."

Spencer lifted his head off Hotchs shoulder. "Do you lite Gween Eggs and Ham daddy?"

"Hmm. Don't know. Never had them." He said chuckling at the toddler.

"Neifer have I." Spencer yawned.

"We'll have to make them some night." Hotch said.

"Otay." Spencer yawned again.

The family chuckled. Before they knew it they all were asleep. The family slept peacefully for hours.

When they got up they were nearly home. They quickly cleaned up the cabin and fastened their seatbelts for the landing. Once they landed they seperated to their negleted cars and headed home.

Hotch took Spencer and their go bags upstairs and settled the go bags on Hotchs bed. Hotch then told Spencer to get ready for a bath. Spencer raced to the bathroom and waited for Hotch. Carried a freshly bathed Spencer to his bedroom and got him dressed.

"Spencer. While I take my shower I want to unpack all your dirty clothes and re pack your go bag. Our new director may have a case waiting for us." He told the toddler.

"Otay daddy." Spencer said.

Spencer un zipped his go bag and took out all the dirty clothes and put them in the hamper. He took out new, clean clothes and packed them. He also packed Artemis and his dreaded pull ups.

"All packed?" A freshly showered and shaved Hotch asked.

Spencer nodded. He tottled over to Hotch and raised his arms. Hotch smiled and scooped up the toddler. He took his and Spencers go bag and put them in the back of the red pick'em up*. He and Spener then cleaned the house and headed for the BAU.

Once there they saw the team was waiting for them in conference room. They quickly made their way and sat down. The dark skinned, musculer, look a like Morgan looked at them and nodded in greeting. He then looked at Spencer and smiled.

"Your Spencer I take it?" He asked.

Spencer nodded shyly. "Awe you going to tict (kick) me of fa team?"

The man chuckled. "Ms. Garcia was right. You are a cutie. But no. No one's getting kicked off the team."

Spencer released the breath he was holding.

"Anyway. I'm your director. My name is Isaiah Masters. And yes I have a case for you. You are heading to Pittsburgh Pennsylvania. They have a supposed serial arsonist and Pittsburgh PD needs your help." He said.

The team nodded. Just as Hotch was about to leave Isaiah stopped him.

"Hotchner. I heard a lot about you. Same with all of them. Their a good team. I won't be like Strauss and try to take that away. Mini agent. I hear your a bit of trouble magnet. Try to stay out of trouble on this case." He said.

"I'll twy." Spencer said.

Isaiah and Hotch shook hands and went to gather their things. Once they gathered their they got into the SUVs and headed back to the airstrip.

They boarded they dreaded flying machine and looked over the case.

"Male. Late 20s-early 30s. Likes fires. Big fires." Emily relayed.

"Pwehaps he's mad at somefing or someone and fis is how he shows it." Reid guessed.

"Good guess. But maybe he's doing it for a loved one." Rossi theorized.

They bounced ideas back and fourth. JJ looked at the baby in Hotchs lap and smiled at the sight.

"Uh guys. You might want to be quiet." She said pointing to Spencer.

"Awww." Emily cooed. She snapped a photo and sent it to Garcia who repiled immdiatly.

'AWWW! So sweet! Don't you dare wake him til you to PA!'

They winced. They knew beeter not to make Garcia mad. Emily texted her back.

'We won't. Promise.'

Deciding they should get some sleep they moved to their favorite spots and settled. They rested til they were only 5 mins away. Though they wanted their charge to sleep longer so they did. They refused to wake him til they got to station.

So Spencer pretty much slept the afternoon away in dreamless sleep. He held Artemis tightly to his chest, thumb firmly in his mouth. They smiled. They were glad their baby was sleeping peacefully.

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