Chapter 29: Work is a stalker

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The next morning the team wasn't heading to the parks, or Disney Quest. They were heading to the Orlando Police Department. Strauss had called JJ last night about a serial killer hanging the beaches and some days the parks.

The family was mad. They were on vacation and Strauss knew this. But the bitch always found a way to ruin everything.

"Sorry about this y'all. But we have a potential murderer and he took a teen last night." the Chief told the team.

"It's alright. We're happy to help." Rossi said.

They began their profile by first talking to the parents of the missing teen. The teen was a gay male and only 20 years of age. He was last seen at his shift at Magic Kingdom. The UnSub was to a gay male about 45 to 50 years of ag and has lived in Florida all his life.

Reid sat on the floor with his map, figuring out all the dumpsites and where the UnSub could potentially be. He sighed. He was having so much fun but it seemed work always ha a way to find them.

'Don't UnSubs evevr take a vacation?' He thought to himself.

Rossi and Hotch went to interveiw the other victims while Morgan and Emily went to Magic Kingdom to talk the employees. They said their fellow employee never had any enemies nor caused any problems. He was a good kid and was working to pay for colledge.

The other victims were closed off. This told Hotch and Rossi they were sexually violated and/or tortued. They also said they were kept in a room. A white padded room. This made the profilers wonder if the UnSub was ever intutionualized for any mental problems.

Hours went by and they practically had nothing. Reid was working his hardest to try to find this guy. Hotch looked at his charge and caught him fisting his eyes. Hotch frowned and looked at his watch. It was way past Reids lunch and nap time. Hotch gathered the team and sent them to get lunch while he get his charge ready for lunch and his nap.

Knowing his charge would be stubborn he prepared himself. He just hoped he didn't have to resort to spanking his charge to get him to eat and sleep.

"Reid. Time to stop for now buddy. You need to eat and then Garcia's taking you back to the hotel for a nap." He told him with a no nonsense tone.

Reid sighed. He was fighting sleep and hearing the no nonsense tone in his father figures voice he didn't argue. Instead he cleaned up hius work space and crawled onto Hotchs lap waiting for lunch to come.

After lunch JJ and Garcia carried a now sleeping into Hotchs room. They changed him and laid him down. Reid snuggled in to Artemis and slept peacefully.

While Reid slept they found the teen but the UnSub escaped and was on the hunt again.

When Reid heard this he worked twice as much to try to catch this SOB. Hotch had to drag his charge back to the hotel later that night.

"Reid. We'll get him. You trust us don't you?" Hotch asked.

"Yes." Reid said.

"Then there you go. If we work together we'll get him. Be patient little one." Hotch told the toddler palming his cheek lovingly.

The two men settled in for the night. Little did they know the UnSub had taken his next victim.

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