Chapter 99: Make ups

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The UnSub franctically paced the room.

"Must find Kyle. Kyle. My beloved."

Looking at the blood stained wall he snapped out of his deslusion temporarly to re-paint the wall.

"There now. All better."

He gathered his items and headed out. On his way he disposed of Kylies body.

"Kyle. Papa will find you. Just hold on."


Will looked down at Reid and saw him fisting his eyes and yawning. He reminded him of Henry when he got tired.

"Looks it's naptime for you Short Stuff." Will said.

Spencer yawned again. "Not tiwed."

"Right and pigs fly." Will joked.

The two laughed. JJ walked in to check on her charge. She didn't notice Will in the room. She knelt down in front of him.

"How's it going sweetie?" She asked.

"Good." He yawned.

"Sound likes it naptime for you." She said.

"But fa pwofile." He argued.

"We can handle it. You need to sleep. You don't want your fever back, do you?" She asked.

"No." He said sleepily.

She chuckled at the half-asleep toddler. "Come on baby. Let's go back to the hotel."

She picked him up and grabbed his bag. She headed to the hotel. Before she got on to the road she sent a quick to Hotch saying she was taking Spencer back for his nap. She started the car and drove off.


Hotch and Morgan along with the CSUs they found the lastest victim.

"Kylie Mattews, 17. UnSub takes her school claiming she's the son and when she refuses to play into his delusion, she gets killed." Morgan summed up.

"The UnSub is on a psychotic break. No what he'll girls and boy like Kylie as his son." Hotch said.

"I hope we catch this guy soon." Morgan said. Although the victims were a little older, he was still concerned about his brother.


A knock on the door brought JJ out of her thoughts. She looked through the peep hole and frowned. But she knew she had to talk to him sooner or later. She stepped outside and leveled a look with Will.

"JJ." He simply said.

"Will." She simply said.

"JJ. Look. I'm awful sorry alright. I didn't mean to push you like that. I know your job is stressful and tiring, and I should let you have your space. That night we argued was my fault. I just don't want to be mad anymore. It's stupid and pointless." Will said.

Will didn't have time think as JJ flung her arms around him.

"It's okay Will. I don't want to mad anymore either." She said.

He nodded and held her tight. She led him inside the room and they chatted how Henry loves it when grandama and grandpa spoil him. JJ told him everything that's happened so far since Reid turned small.

"Poor guy. Still a danger manget even when pint sized." He said.

"Yep. We're doing our best, but it's like everyone wants to take him away from us for some reason." She said sadly.

"Don't worry Cher. Things'll get better for him." He said.

"Yeah." She said.

"Maybe after the case y'all can stay for a few days." He said.

"Not a bad idea. So when do you think you'll come back to Quantico?" She asked.

"Soon. There's somethings here I have to care of first." He said.

"I understand." She said.

They kissed lightly. Will was called back to the station.

"Just me and you Spence." She whispered.


"Garcia got a name for us with the prints Emily and I found." Rossi said.

"Ok my lovelies our psycho of the day is, Speed Daniels. Wife was LeAnne and son Kyle. Ladies and gentlemen our UnSub." Garcia said.

"Garcia do you have a location?" Hotch asked.

"Negatory sir but I won't stop looking." She said. "PG out."

With nothing else to go on they called it a night.


JJ talked to Will and Henry before going to bed herself. She felt like a huge weight was lifted off her shoulders.

Hotch gave Spencer his bath and his medicine and he fell right to sleep.

Hotch chuckled at how fast his youngest could shut off.

'That's not falling to sleep, that's passing out.' He thought.

He got changed and climbed in with his youngest.


Speed carried his next victim and gently laid him down on the bed.

He cleaned the blood off his head and face and took off the boy shoes, pants, and shirt. He tucked the boy in and palmed his cheek.

He smiled crookedly. "Welcome home Kyle."

He turned on the night light and closed the door and locked it.

"I can't let you go ever."

He went to finish cleaning the blood stained tools.

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