Chapter 110: Family Day

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Spencer woke the next morning not remembering where he was for minute. When he remembered he slowly got climbed out bed pulling the blanket off the bed with him. He picked up the blanket and Artemis and tottled into the living room.

Rossi and the girls noticed the toddler. Rossi chuckled, and the girls awed and cooed. Reid tottled over to Rossi and climbed into his lap.

Rossi chuckled again. The kid looked adorable. His hair sticking out at odds and ends, the blanket he had, Artemis in his other arm, thumb in his mouth. He looked dangerously close to falling asleep again.

Garcia poked his tiny nose. He blinked sleepily at her.

"Stay awake my baby genius. Hotch and my chocolate god will be back with breakfast any minute now." She said.

"Otay." He yawned around his thumb.

Rossi adjusted his hold on the baby and stood up.

"In the meantime let's get you good and clean before they get back kiddo." He said.

Reid nodded sleepily. He fisted his eyes. Rossi took him to the bedroom and got him ready. And just in time too. Hotch and Morgan came back into the room with breakfast. Rossi carried out the still half asleep toddler. Hotch and Morgan smiled.

Hotch took the toddler from Rossi and kissed his forehead.

"Good morning buddy. We doing okay today?" He asked. Remembering the nightmares he had last night and on the jet.

"Yeah. I'm otay." Spencer said.

"Can you eat?" He asked. The team threw confused and worried looks at the father.

"I'll twy." The baby said.

Hotch nodded and sat down settling him in his lap. He placed a bowl of fruit in front of him. He relaxed a little when the boy took a bite.

"He okay Hotch?" Morgan asked.

"Yeah. He had more nightmares last night. A few left him physically sick." Hotch said.

Spencer ate what he could and leaned against Hotch. Hotch looked down worriedly. He rubbed the babys back in comfort. The rest of the family shared the worry. Deciding a distraction was in order they began mulling over ideas what to do.

"So what do you guys want to do today?" Emily asked.

"Hmm. It's raining and it's too cold to go out. So how bout we hang out by the pool?" JJ suggested.

Spencer looked up at Hotch and then his family.

"I wanna go tiwimming." Spencer said.

Everyone agreed. Swimming it was. Hotch helped Spencer change into his swim suit and changed into his.

When everyone was changed they headed down and were suprised to see the pool empty. Morgan took Spencer from Hotch. He took off their sandals and Morgan told Spencer to hold his breath. He counted to three and leaped into pool!

When they resurfaced Spencer was laughing. Morgan smiled. It made him happy to see his little brother happy.

The others jumped in and began playing with their youngest. JJ, Emily, and Garcia sat on the stairs talking about shopping, Rossi and Morgan were seeing who could beat who in a race, Hotch was playing with Spencer in the less deeper end of the pool.

Soon Morgan and the girls were playing Marco Polo. Rossi and Hotch were chillin out in the hot tub talking.

"Hotch. I think we should take a certain someone back to the room." Rossi chuckled motioning to Reid.

Hotch looked down and saw his charge conked out. He chuckled. He got out of the hot tub and laid Spencer down. He dried off and wrapped a towl around his waist. He grabbed another towl and wrapped it around his charge.

Seeing this the others got out and quickly dried off. The followed their Unit Chief back to the room.

Hating to wake his charge, he woke Spencer long enough for a bath and got changed. He laid Spencer gently on the bed and covered him. He then showered himself and got changed. When he came out he noticed his charge half awake, half asleep sitting up.

"What's wrong buddy?" He asked.

"Tay wif me. Peas?" Spencer whispered.

"Sure buddy." Hotch said. He kissed the babys temple and sat in the rocker.

It didn't take long for Spencer to fall back asleep. Hotch fell asleep too.

Garcia took a picture. They were so cute! She couldn't help it!

Later that night after supper, they just rented a bunch of movies and had a family movie night. Spencer laughed at the funny parts and hid at the scary parts. During the fourth movie Spencer fell asleep in Morgans arms. Hotch sent the 'kiddos' to bed and the 'adults' cleaned up a bit.

Hotch crept into the bedroom and swiftly changed into night clothes. He slid in next to his charge. Spencer woke up briefly and snuggled into Hotch and tightened his hold on Artemis. Hotch rubbed the babys back and whispered to him til he fell back to sleep. Once asleep he relaxed and slept himself. He mentally prepared himself for another nightmare filled night.

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