Chapter 42: Waterpark fun!

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It was a nice day in August, and Hotch thought his charge could use some sun. Garcia suggested they take him to a waterpark. Hotch agreed. Reid needed some sun and water. Tomorrow the family is taking their charge to a park. But for now they had paperwork to do. At least the air conditioning was working. It was a scorcher that Friday.

The next morning Hotch loaded his truck and put a still sleeping Reid in his car seat. Hotch didn't really have the heart to wake his charge. He glanced at his charge through the rearview mirror. Smiling at the sleeping boy, he pressed the button to close his garage and headed toward the water park.

Reid woke up half way there as Hotch pulled in at McDonalds, the family decided to meet there for breakfast. Fisting his eyes he reached out for Hotch. Hotch smiled and lifted his charge out of his car seat. Hotch kissed his forehead and placed him in the front seat to put his sandals on.

They got inside and immeadiatly spotted the others. The girls, including Morgan let out an 'aw' when they saw the groggy boy. Reid had his 'waking up' appearence. Hair sticking out, thumb in his mouth, and of course tightly holding Artemis. JJ took the sleepy boy from Hotch as he and Morgan went to order.

"Good morning sweetie." JJ said softly.

"Good mowning." Reid said yawning.

"I see you brought Artemis kiddo." Rossi said.

Reid nodded. "Awtemis wanted to go twimming too."

"Can he swim?" Emily asked chuckling.

"Uh huh. He's a good twimmer. And he tan loot out for any UnTubs" He repiled.

They had to laugh at the cuteness. Even Hotch and Morgan heard that. Watching the toddler eat and pretend 'to feed Artemis' they smiled. The kid was downright adorable. Cleaning up they headed on their way again.

After paying the entry fees the family went to the shower rooms to change. They found a spot and settled. Hotch then put sunscreen on, he put his charge on his chair.

"Alright you. Let's get some of this on, then we can play in the water." He said putting sunscreen on his charge. He didn't want him to burn.

After that Morgan took the boy the water slides. They tried all of them! All leaving the toddler laughing and wanting to go again and again. They played in the wading pool, under the waterfalls, the jumped the waves at the wave pool.

After lunch and during the saftey check, the girls explored alittle, Hotch was reading his book, Rossi was typing a chapter for his book. Hotch noticed his childern were gone.

"Rossi. Where'd my sons go? I know where my daughters and wife are. But not the boys." Hotch asked.

Rossi chuckled. "Your sons, are at the lazy river."

Hotch looked towards there, and relaxed when he saw his youngest sacked out on his big brothers stomach.

Morgan rubbed the toddlers back. He glanced at his baby brother who was sleeping peacefully on his stomach. Morgan thought to himself, if he ever got a big house like Rossi he's put in a lazy river.

After a few saftey checks they played alittle more. When Hotch got home he gave Spencer a bath and he took a shower. The reast of the family did the same and went over to Morgan house for a small BBQ.

Later that night Hotch carried a peacefully sleeping Reid to bed. He changed him and carded a hand through his hair. He kissed the toddlers forehead and settled himself in his bed for the night.

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