Chapter 102: Phase one

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Lighting filled the sky giving the dark BAU a very creepy feel. But the family didn't pay attention to that. They were busy watching every corner and to keep Spencer from hyperventilating.

"Shh Spencer it's alright. Breathe buddy. Come on." Hotch soothed.

Spencer couldn't focus. It was dark. Why was it always dark? When he a voice he tried to focus on it. But it sounded so far away.

"Spencer come on. Pretty Boy you need to focus. Listen to mine and Hotchs voices." Morgan coached.

Spencer began to calm down but still wasn't breathing right. Hearing another voice his mind starting trekking back to reality.

"D daddy?" He asked he voice shaking.

"Yeah buddy it's me. Now I need you to breathe with me. Like this" Hotch coached. He began relaxing when Spencer mimicked him.

"You okay now Kiddo?" Rossi asked.

Spencer nodded. He was sorta light headed and didn't trust himself to speak. He lifted his head off of Hotchs chest and saw the candles Emily and Garcia lit. That made him feel better. At least it wasn't so dark anymore. He leaned against Hotch again.

Hotch sighed. His youngest was going through too much. He thought that after this he and Spencer were going to take a vacation. No cell phones, no work. Just them and the family. He kissed the top of Spencers head and began to rock him while rubbing his back.

They startled when they heard the glass doors in the bullpen open. Hotch handed Spencer to Garcia and she backed away. Guns were drawn and trained at both entracences of the conference room.

A female menaical laugh filled the air.

"Hello BAU." She said.

"Strauss." Hotch said.

"How about a game?" She asked.

"How about no and you quietly rot in jail." Hotch said.

"Sorry. But no. I want to play." She said.

She suddenly disappeared and her voice came over the PA.

"Come find me BAU." She said.

They all sighed. What was this crazed woman thinking? If she wanted to play they were game.

"Garcia. Take Spencer back to your office see if you can't track her." Hotch said.

"Got it bossman!" She said.

"But daddy." Spencer started to say.

"I'm sorry Spencer. But Strauss right now is highly dangerous. She's not like the other UnSubs who give in when they see you, she will kill you. I can't lose another son." Hotch said.

Spencer had tears in his eyes. "Jut be tareful. All of you."

"We will Handsome." Emily said palming his cheek.

"Get going Baby Girl. And lock your office. Pretty Boy don't you dare leave her side. Got me?" Morgan asked.

"Yes siw." Spencer said.

"Good boy." Morgan said ruffling his hair.

Garcia swiftly left the conference room and headed toward her office. Once she was there she locked and baracaided the door.

"Alright my Junior G-man. Let's track down this bitch." Garcia said.

"But how? Fa power's out." Spencer pointed out.

"Oh my dear one. I have a back up generator right here." She said pointing under the desk.

"Oh." Spencer said. 'Clever Garcia. Very clever.'

Garcia typed away hoping to find something.

The others had split up. It was a bad decision but they had no choice. They needed to find to Strauss and fast!

Hotch took the first floor, Rossi second, Emily third, and Morgan fifth. So far they couldn't find her. Hotch found she locked down the entire building. Rossi found zip so did Emily and Morgan. But they stayed on their floors and went through the rooms again just to be sure they miss anything.

Hotch stopped. He heard a low growl. Turning he shone his flashlight toward the sound. Their stood an attack dog. Hotch bolted down the hall and ran into an empty office and slammed the door shut.

Rossi was boxed in. The was a glass wall in front of him with air holes and the cieling behind him collasped. He started to move and push things out of the way so he could get out.

Emily walked into an empty office and the door behind her locked. She was trapped. She tried kicking down the door but it felt something was up against it. And their was. Their was a desk pushed up against it.

Morgan had gotten lost and was now trapped at a dead end. He backtracked over and over but always wound right back at the same dead end. He was stuck.

Garcia and Reid tried their best to find something but nothing. They couldn't track her. The screens went black the back up generator stopped working. Spencer began to hyperventilate again. Garcia scooped him up and tried to calm him but once again he was trapped in his own mind.

Strauss smiled. She was very pleased with her work.

"Phase one down. Phase two can now begin." She laughed.

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