Chapter 84: Long weekends

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Spencer woke up the next morning and forgot for a minute where he was. Remembering he was at Rossis he grabbed Artemis and tottled down the stairs. He went into the kitchen and climbed into his fathers lap.

Aaron looked at the messy haired baby and smiled.

"Good morning sleepy head." He said kissing the top of his head.

"Mowning." He yawned around his thumb.

They smiled. Aaron nudged him a few times to keep him awake.

"Somebodies out of it." JJ whispered.

"Long weekend. He sleep good at naptime." Hotch said.

Before the toddler fell back asleep a plate of food was placed in front of him. Reid sluggishly ate. Once he was done Morgan helped him bathed while Hotch packed their go bags.

Morgan took the still half-asleep baby downstairs and settled in the rocker with him. He was hoping his bath would wake him up a little more. Concerened the big brother checked his temp. He relaxed when he found his forehead was cool. Maybe Hotch was right. The baby just needed sleep. It was a long weekend.

Reid rubbed his eyes. He was really tired and wanted to go back to bed. He wish being Hotch took him from Morgan and headed for the truck. Before he was placed in his car seat he asked Hotch to put him down and he gave Rossi a hug.

"Fant you Wossi." He said.

Rossi chuckled and scooped him up. He kissed his forehead and placed him in his car seat.

"Your welcome buddy." He said palming the toddlers cheek.

"Thanks Dave, see you at work." Hotch said.

"Yep. Drive safe." He said firmly.

Hotch chuckled and headed home. He glanced in the rearview mirror and saw his son was sleeping again.

'Poor guy. I'll bet he's tired. Between work and this weekend he must be worn out.' Hotch thought.

When they got home, Hotch put Spencer in bed. He palmed his cheek and went to un-load the truck. He threw the dirty clothes in the wash, and re-packed his and Reids go bags with fresh clothes. With that task done he snucked a glance at his charge and found him sleeping peacefully.

About 2-3 hours later a fully recharged Spencer made his way to his fathers office. He climbed up and settled in his lap. Hotch smiled and wrapped an arm around him.

"Hey sleepy baby. You doing ok?" He asked.

"Yeah." Reid replied.

"Good. Cause you slept like a rock for a few hours." Hotch chuckled.

"Hey. You nore." Spencer said.

"Do not." Hotch said.

"Do too." Reid said.

Hotch tickled him, saying he doesn't snore over and over again. Tickle fight over, Hotch looked at the clock and took the boy downstairs and searched the kitchen for take out menus. Hotch didn't feel like cooking. He ordered Chinese much to Reids dismay.

Hotch settled Reid in his booster seat and set his plate in front of him. Patiently Hotch taught Reid how to use chopsticks.

"I DID IT!" Spencer happily shouted taking another bite of his food.

"Good job buddy." Hotch praised giving the boy a high five.

After dinner Hotch played with Spencer for a bit. Hotchs office phone went off. For his own safety and protection Hotch placed Spencer in the playpin. Hotch never really took it down, and with all the trouble his son has been in he decided to start using it again.

Hotch came back and took Spencer upstairs and changed him into his pajamas. He then put the babies shoes and coat on and settled him in his car seat.

"We have a case and the moster said wheels up now." Hotch told the confused boy.

"Otay. But why am I in my pjs?" He asked.

Hotch chuckled and handed Spencer Artemis. "Because. It's your bedtime. And I know you'll fall asleep here and sleep most of the flight."

Spencer nodded. Hotch went back to the house and got their stuff. After loading the truck he went back and checked the house to make sure it was locked up tight and to set the alarm. He headed for the airstrip. He glanced back at his son and saw he was knocked out for the night.

Once he got to the airstrip he handed the sleeping baby to Rossi, and he and Morgan un-loaded the truck.

"Alright people. Before we profile let's get some sleep." Hotch said.

He went to take Spencer from Rossi but the elder man just tightened his grip.

"I've got him Hotch. Lay down on the couch." He said firmly.

Too tired to argue he obeyed. Reid was in good hands. Before going to sleep Hotch took a photo of grandpa Rossi and his grandson sleeping. He sent it to Garica, and silenced his phone before he got an answer.

'So sweet! I'm so printing this one out for Rossi and it's going in the book.'

Hotch chuckled. He closed his phone and slept well. Unknown to him he did snore.

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