Chapter 89: Home

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Reid woke the next morning feeling a whole lot better. He took the cooling pacifier out of his mouth and looked around. Nobody was here. Sophie walked in. She smiled at the baby.

"Good morning Spencer. You look good today. Which is good news because you get to go home. Mommy and brother went home to get you some clothes." She said. "Just going to check you out quick. All good. Now let's get the IV out."

She quickly took it out and soothed the tear eyed baby. Once he was calm she settled him back in the crib. Promising to come back she went to go give his chart the doctor. She came back within a few minutes. She sat and talked to Spencer for awhile.

JJ and Morgan walked in. Spencer looked over to them and raised his arms.

"Mommy." He rasped.

JJ went over to him and hugged him tightly.

"Hi baby. Mommy's here." She said.

"Come here Baby Boy. Let's get you changed so we can get home." Morgan said taking Reid from JJ and went in to the bathroom.

While getting change the nurse explained how to take care him for the next week or two. Only ice cream and popsicles til the scab falls off. Use the cooling pacifiers as needed, and he could take Childrens Tylenol.

Once Reid was changed they filled out the discharge papers and piled in the SUV. Before going home they stopped at Wal-Mart for some stuff.


Morgan placed Reid in the buggy and got shopping.

At the freezer isle Morgan stopped at the popsicles and ice cream.

"Ok Pretty Boy. What kind of ice cream would you like?" He asked.

"Tawwbewwy." Spencer rasped.

Morgan nodded and got a few tubs of strawberry ice cream. Reid also picked the rainbow popsicles.

At the check out the cashier thought Spencer was too cute. He'd fallen asleep, and was using Artemis as a pillow. Morgan paid for the stuff and when he got outside he took a picture of Reid asleep in the cart. He sent the photo to his family. He loaded the SUV and settled the sleeping baby in his car seat and headed home.

Morgans house.

After Morgan got Spencer to eat, he gave him a cooling pacifier and settled in the rocker with him. His phone buzzed. Thanking God he put it on silent, he took it out of it's cradle and looked at the messages his family sent him. The first was from JJ and Emily.

'So cute! Going in his baby book!'

Garcia was next.

'So adorable! STOP HOGGING HIM! Btw I'm coming over later!'

Morgan smiled and text 'ok' back to her.

Rossi was next.

'The kid'll sleep anywhere. Make sure you take care of him.'

Morgan rolled his eyes. He texted back 'what kind of big brother would I be if I didn't look after my little brother?' Rossi answered back.

'You have a point.'

Last was Hotch.

'Good to see him home. Call if he needs me. I'll check in later tonight.'

Morgan had to chuckle at Hotchs overprotectiveness. He closed his phone and contiued to rock his baby brother. Later that afternoon, Garcia came over. She and Morgan talked while playing a game with Spencer.

After getting his charge to eat, he gave him a bath and settled him in his room for the night. Before Morgan gave him another cooling pacifier so his throat wouldn't hurt him during the night, he said goodnight to his dad.

Clooney came in and settled with Reid for the night. He snuggled into the German Shepard and dropped right off. Morgan chuckled. He tucked his brother in, and kissed his forhead.

"Sleep tight buddy." He said carding a hand through his hair. He looked at his furry friend. "Keep your eye on him and keep those monsters away."

Clooney looked at his master with a look that said 'You can count on me!' Morgan patted the dogs head and checked the house one last time. Once that was done he settled in his own bed for the night. Everything was all good.

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