Chapter 123: Stubborn Baby

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Elsewhere (Later that night).

"How's your tea Milly?" Liam asked gleefully.

"It's wonderful. Did you make this cake by yourself?" She asked.

Liam smiled brightly.

"Yes! Do you like it?" He asked.

"Very much." She said with a shaky voice.

Liam finished his tea and dessert and grabbed Milly by the arm roughly.

"Time for rest Milly," Liam said yawning.

He led Milly into the oversized box and strapped her in. He then gagged her so she wouldn't cry out into the night.

He palmed her cheek lovingly.

"Good night Milly." He said.

She tried saying 'no' but with the gag in her mouth, she couldn't.

Liam closed the box, went over to the glass case and said goodnight to the other 'dolls' and proceeded upstairs. He turned the lights and closed the door leaving Milly alone with her thoughts.


Spencer was still awake and working overtime. He fisted his eyes and yawned. But he turned away so his family members couldn't see. He earlier figured out that Liam's sister loved dolls and collected them, but after the fire, she lost them all. She died later that same year from pneumonia. Her brother Liam Maddison, was her only guardian. Deeply saddened by this, Liam started his own 'doll' collection.

He was just trying to figure out where he and Milly Waverly were. He yawned and fisted his eyes again. With each passing minute, it was getting harder to stay awake.

The others saw that he was tired. But they knew he'd throw a fit if they got him to stop working. They only had a day or two left to save Milly.

Morgan shook his and glanced at his watch. It was way past Spencer's bedtime. Having enough of the toddler's stubbornness, he got up and tightly held the baby as he weakly struggled to get out.

"Mow*yawn*gan! Put me *yawn* down! I'm not *yawn* done!" Spencer sleepily exclaimed.

"Listen to me, youngster. You have a choice. You can either go to bed, rest, and be ready to help tomorrow or we can work all night, and you'll be crabby and you'll fall asleep and I have to spank you for being bad." He warned.

"B-but what about *yawn* Milly?" Spencer asked.

"Don't worry, sweetums, I got it covered. See our guy's old-fashioned, but I got a link on his phone courtesy of the phone company, even though his landline is way outdated, I can still track him if he makes a call." Garcia said.

Spencer nodded. He laid his head on Morgans's shoulder, putting his thumb in his mouth and closed his eyes. Morgan chuckled at the hard-headed baby and patted his back.

They packed up and headed to the hotel so they too could sleep and start fresh.

Elsewhere (Basement).

Milly had given up for now and passed out. But before she did, she glanced at the glass case and thought how horrible someone must be to do this.

She noticed the bodies were all females, and were no more than 20-25, Except for the first one. The one was of a small child no older than 6. She felt awful and gave in to the darkness.

Elsewhere (Liam's room).

Liam hummed as he grabbed his gun and tools and headed out to 'hunt'. He grew wary of Milly and wanted someone new.

Locked and loaded he headed out. He drove into the city and passed the station, where he saw Emily and JJ. He had to have both! They would complete his set! He followed the BAU family to the hotel and waited as they unpacked.


He casually followed the family up to their rooms. Since the rooms were conjoined he thought about hiding in the boy's room for a while.

Morgan had carried out a freshly bathed and semi-conscious Spencer. He palmed the baby's cheek and told him he was going to shower quickly.

Spencer nodded. He saw Morgan disappear into the bathroom. Spencer snuggled into the blankets and was about to close his eyes when he felt something was wrong.

He sat up and grabbed his gun. He saw a shadow figure move and he panicked. But he didn't fire his gun. He slowly got out of bed and tottled to the door that connected to the girl's room.

He squeaked when someone lifted him and a big firm hand clamped over his mouth. Spencer couldn't call out to Morgan or the girls. So he struggled as hard as he could. He dug his nails into Liam's side til he dropped onto the floor.

Spencer grabbed his gun and scrambled to the bed and raised his gun. Liam laughed.

"What are you gonna do with that little one? Shoot me?" He asked, still laughing.

Reid still had his gun trained on Liam, aiming the best he could and placed his finger on the trigger.

Liam got his gun out, lowered it to the toddler and placed his finger on the trigger. And the silence was broken by a single gunshot ringing out.

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