Chapter 16: On the case and A paranoid father

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Morgan and Garcia carried a still sleeping Reid on to the jet. When they got on they 'Aws' from JJ and Emily, and a smile from Rossi. Morgan settled the sleeping boy in his lap buckling the both of them. When it was safe to move about the cabin Morgan took of Reids sandals and laid him down on the couch. Reid mumbled something, and rolled over snuggling into his purple dog. The girls let out an aw, Morgan and Rossi shared a smile.

"So what's the case JJ?" Rossi asked.

"We're going Maine to invistagate the murder of these five childern. Emily Heartfield, Jeanie Seether, Bethany Anders, Emerald Sutherfield, and Destiny Mileson. All five girls were abducted from school during their lunch hour, from the same school. Their are no signs of sexual assualt but all the girls were dressed in princess outfits and killed in a play castle in the UnSubs backyard. Another girl Cassandra Nathanials was abducted yesterday." JJ told them sadly.

"Ok so these UnSub is taking girls of the age of ten and dressing them like princesses and kills them. This UnSub much like Gideon, could've lost a daughter that age and is now suffering a psychotic break and abducting these girls to re-create the one the UnSub lost." Emily theorized.

"The UnSub must be male. A female couldn't harm a child like that at first. A male would have no problem." Morgan said.

"He would also have to be in his late 30's to mid 40's, and divorced or never married. Some fathers would adopt if they couldn't be married or have kids of their own." Rossi said.

About a half hour later Reid woke up. Morgan helped him change. He settled Reid back on the couch and JJ went into mother mode.

"Spence. Would you like some cereal? I know Morgan and Garcia didn't have to feed you this morning." She asked the toddler.

The tiny agent chose the Cocoa Puffs. Thought JJ disapproved of the sugary cereal she gave it to him just so the toddler would have energy and las til lunch. While Spencer ate they explained the case to him.

After they landed they loaded the SUVs and headed to the station. Morgan, JJ, and Reid were in one and Rossi, Emily, and Garcia in the other. They arrived at the station and all eyes went directly to the toddler. The rumors were right.

"What are you all staring at? Back to work!" Yelled the Chief. "So sorry about that. So little happens in our small town my staff is easily distracted. Anyway if y'all well follow me your conference room is this way."

She led them the small room. She turned the team and introduced herself.

"I'm Chief officer Shannon Nicklesson. Thank you for coming." She said shaking everyones hand minus Reid who had face practically buried in his big brothers shoulder.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Agent Rossi, these are Agents Morgan, JJ, Emily and Dr. Reid." Rossi introduced them to her. The looked at the tiny agent.

"So you're the famous Dr. Reid. Nice to meet you." She said sweetly.

"Hi." Spencer said softly.

"Shy guy huh? It's alright. You'll get use to me and the officers here. I promise we don't bite." She joked lightly getting a smile from the toddler.

"Well I'll leave you to it then. If need anything ask me or any of the officers available. They'll be more than willing to help." She told them. They thanked her and she returned to her office.

After a few hours the profilers had nothing. Breaking for lunch they discussed the case more. They looked over to why Reid had been so quiet, they smiled when they saw he was sacked out. Taking the fork out of his hand JJ picked him up and gathered his stuff.

"I'm gonna take Reid to the hotel." She whispered.

"I'll come with you. I can watch Reid so you can come back and help, and deal with the press." Garcia whispered.

"Ok. Bye guys." JJ whispered.

Emily and the boys whispered their byes and got back to work. JJ handed Garcia Reids bag and she put it in the back while JJ put Reid in his car seat.

They carried the sleeping toddler to his and Morgans room. JJ changed and tucked Reid in. Kissing his forehead she whispered bye to him, and Garcia and headed back to work.

"Well Baby Genius, it's you and me for now." Garcia whispered. She turned to her laptop and typed away. A few minutes later, her instant messeger popped up. It was Hotch.

AHotchner: I heard you guys were on a case. Is Reid ok?

BabyGirl25: Reid's fine bossman, chill out.

AHotchner: Sorry. I can't help but worry. I'm not there and with Reid that small.

BabyGirl25: Bossman I get it. But you need to focus on what you're doing. Morgan and the rest of us have been keeping our eye on him.

AHotchner: What's he doing now?

BabyGirl25: Sleeping peacefully. Here I'll show you.

She took a picture of the sleeping boy and sent to the paranoid father. Hotch smiled. He told Garcia to tell Morgan he'd call later this evening and got off his laptop and got back to work.

Later that night, Morgan carried his freshly bathed brother and settled him in bed. True to his Hotch called Morgan. They talked for minute then Hotch told Morgan to put Reid on. Morgan handed the phone to the groggy boy.

"Hi Hotch." The sleepy boy greeted.

Hotch chuckled. "Hi Reid. You doing ok?"

"Yeah. Mowgan, Gawtia, and fa west of fa famaly is tating good tare of me." The boy assured him.

"That's good to hear. Stay out of trouble and behave yourself. Got me?" He asked.

"Yes *yawn* siw." Reid said.

Hotch chuckled again "Sleep well buddy. I'll see you soon."

"Otay. Good night Hotch." The toddler said softly.

"Good night buddy." Hotch said.

Morgan took the phone from Reid and talked to Hotch for a few more minutes. He hung up the phone, got changed and settled next to his baby brother. Reid snuggled closer to him and sighed in content. The two brothers slept peacefully that night.

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