Chapter 124: Heading south again

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A single shot rang out, then two shots rang out, and Spencer was on the floor. So was the UnSub. Spencer's bullet hit the UnSub in the head, and Liam barely nicked Spencer's arm. He squeaked when another pair of arms picked him up.

He struggled to get out, the grip tightened, and he heard a familiar voice.

"Spencer. Pretty Boy, it's me!" Morgan said.

"M Mowgan?" Spencer asked.

"Yeah, Baby Boy. I've got you." Morgan assured rocking the toddler.

"Mowgan. My awm huwts." Spencer whispered.

Morgan frowned and looked at his arm. He saw it was cut from the UnSubs bullet. But it wasn't bad, nothing that needed medical attention. Just needed to be bandaged.

Suddenly the door flew open, and the girls came rushing in.

"What happened? We heard shots fired." Emily asked.

Spencer told them everything. His words were slightly slurred due to him being so sleepy. Morgan patted his back and sat him on the counter in the mini kitchen. Garcia and JJ patched him up while Morgan and Emily dealt with the police.

"They're gonna move us to new rooms, free of charge," Emily said. She smiled when she saw Spencer already asleep in his Auntie Pen's arms. She palmed his cheek. Her smile grew when he nuzzled into her touch. "Poor baby. The kid could probably sleep a week after this."

"Wouldn't surprise me. He's so tired plus the shock of the UnSub breaking in, we have one exhausted little boy." JJ said carding a hand through his hair.

"Well then let's let the police handle this and get munchkin here to bed," Morgan said leading the girls to their new rooms.

Their new rooms had two bedrooms instead of one so they decided to share the room. Spencer needed his mom, brother, sister, and his aunt tonight.

Pen reluctantly gave her baby to Morgan and went to bed with the other girls. Morgan smiled and kissed her cheek.

"Night Mama." He said.

"Night my chocolate dream. Keep the monsters away okay?" Garcia asked.

"I will. Don't worry. Go sleep." Morgan ordered.

Garcia nodded and did what she was told. Morgan chuckled and took the slumbering baby into their room and settled for the night.

When they arrived home, Hotch was not happy. He found out about what happened and took Spencer straight home. Morgan and the girls explained what happened. Hotch still wasn't happy and Rossi cursed up a storm in Italian. Although he wasn't happy, Hotch was happy that Spencer wasn't badly hurt.

"Don't be mad Daddy, Ganpa Wossi. It was fa UnTub's fault. Pus it's jut a tratch. I'm otay." Spencer said.

Hotch and Rossi shared a glance and their youngest was right. It was no one's fault but the UnSubs. They were just glad Spencer was saved from another trip to the hospital. Poor baby would've pitched a fit. Hotch's phone rang and it was their new Section Chief.

"We have a case. Urgent. Wheels up in 30." Hotch said.

Back-to-back cases weren't uncommon. Though they did suck.

Hotch got Spencer bathed and packed. He then took a quick shower and packed. When he came to the living room he saw that Spencer had fallen asleep using his go bag as a pillow. He chuckled and snapped a photo. He gently picked him up, grabbed his go bag, and headed to the airstrip.

Reid was awake when they got there but he wasn't fully alert. JJ took the groggy toddler as Hotch grabbed his and Reid's go bags out of the truck.

Once it was safe to move about the cabin and before they got down to business Hotch showed everyone the picture he had taken earlier. The girls squealed and made Hotch send it to their phones so they could have it. Rossi and Morgan shared a laugh. Once that was done it was time to work.

"We are headed to Mississippi. A string of murders have resurfaced. These similar murders took place back in the middle 60s and stopped in the late 80s. The local PD thinks the original killer is either back or has a younger partner continuing for him." JJ relayed.

"Alright. Thank you, JJ. We won't be landing for a while. So get some rest and we'll begin the profile when we land." Hotch said. He took Spencer from an angry JJ. She didn't want to give him up. But she had to. Hotch hadn't seen him in days and missed him terribly.

The family watched the father/son scene before them and smiled. The BAU family slept peacefully for the rest of the flight.


"How was hunting today?" A voice asked.

A boy covered in blood from head to toe walked in.

"Not good. The 'patient' died before we got here." It said.

"Now now. There are other 'patients' we must be patient ourselves." It said.

"Yes, papa." It said.

The air was thick and smelled of a bloody OR.

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