Chapter 8: Ice cream and father and son

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When Reid woke up the next morning his head and arm felt much better. He slowly sat up minding his cast and slid off the bed pulling the blanket as he got down. He picked up the blanket with his casted hand, fisted his eyes with his good hand and put his thumb back in his mouth. He stumbled out of the bedroom to find Morgan sitting on the couch with his and Reid's paperwork in his lap. He looked around and there was no sign of Hotch. He slowly tottled over to Morgan.

Morgan heard the pitter-patter of feet. He looked and chuckled at his baby brother. His hair sticking out, the blanket he was pulling behind him, the thumb in his mouth. He was too cute. The toddler made it over to Morgan and climbed onto the couch and snuggled into Morgan's side. Morgan put the paperwork on the side table and settled Reid in his lap.

"Morning Pretty boy." He greeted softly rubbing the toddler's back.

"Hi," Reid replied sleepily around his thumb. Morgan looked down at his charge and saw he was dangerously close to falling asleep. He nudged him.

"Stay awake baby boy. The girls will be here any minute with breakfast." Morgan said.

"Oootay." Reid said yawning. Morgan smiled. He noticed the others including himself and Hotch have been smiling more since Reid got younger. He loved the feeling of being the big brother. Soft mumbling brought him out of his thoughts.

"What was that buddy?" He asked.

"I said, whewe is Hotch?" He asked.

"The station. He and Rossi needed to take care of a few things. They'll be back for lunch." He told him. "While we wait for the ladies, let's get you bathed and dressed." With that, he stood up and carried Reid into the bedroom. He took the blanket from him and sat back on the bed and gathered his clothes. While bathing his baby brother he talked to him to keep his mind off of everything, especially his head and arm. It was going to be hot out so he dressed Reid in shorts, a white sleeveless shirt, and his sandals.

Freshly bathed and dressed they walked in the living in time to see the girls walk in with a tray of food. They sat and ate enjoying each other's company. JJ looked at Reid and remembered yesterday how much pain he was in, to see him smiling and laughing, it was like he didn't notice there were stitches in his head and had a purple cast on his arm. While eating Garcia got her stickers and markers and 'livened' Reid's cast. After they were finished JJ went into mother mode.

"Spence, are you okay? Does your head or arm hurt? Do you need any medicine?" She asked him giving him a don't-think-about-lying-to-me-or-else mother glare.

"I'm fine. Weally. My head doesn't huwt nor my awm." He answered honestly.

"Well if you're feeling ok, how about we head to the park? Hotch called and said he'd met us the McDonald's across the street for lunch." Emily asked.

Reid looked at his brother, mother, and aunt. "Tan we?" he asked them.

Morgan smiled and scooped up his brother setting him on his shoulders.

"Let's get the show on the road." Morgan said getting a 'yay' from Reid and Garcia.

For a couple of hours, the group spent playing with their youngest, carefully though so they didn't re-break Reid's already broken arm. They swung on the swings, played on the playground, they taught Reid how to catch with one arm. They were having a ton of fun and Garcia took loads of pics. Just then Hotch and Rossi called, they were heading to their meeting place.

While eating Garcia showed Hotch and Rossi the pics she took at the park. The two older men wished they could've been there. But the Chief screwed up on the paperwork for Strauss and whatnot, so they had to help with that. JJ and Emily returned with cups of ice cream in their hands. After playing in the hot sun they deserved a cool, sweet treat. They dug in and were finished in no time. The girls snickered.

"What's so funny?" Morgan asked.

"Look at Spencer," Rossi said smirking.

Hotch and Morgan looked at the ice cream-covered toddler. He had ice cream all over his face, his nose, and even his ear.

"Bro, how the heck did manage to ice cream on your ear?" Morgan asked chuckling.

Reid shrugged and hatched an idea. He stood up on the bench and kissed Morgan on the cheek getting ice cream on him. The family busted out laughing, including Morgan who scooped up the toddler and took him to the restroom to clean him up and use the facilities. Once done they headed back to the hotel. When they got there Reid was knocked out.

Later that night, with Reid in his lap, he and Hotch lay across the couch watching Paranormal Activity 3. While watching Reid told Hotch about his morning.

"Sounds like you fun." He said.

"Uh-huh. And Mowgan taught me how to tatch a ball wif one awm." Reid told him half-excited half-yawning.

"Wow. You know Spencer, when you come to stay with me I want you to be comfortable. I know you feel like you're replacing Jack. You're not, but you're still important to me. You are in no way imposing, or a burden. You got me?" He asked.

"Yeah. Wossi said the same." He said.

"And he's right. We love you very much." He said.

"I know. I wove you guys too." Reid said yawning.

"Alright, enough talk. Bedtime." He announced carrying the sleepy toddler.

They settled in bed and Reid dropped right off to sleep. Hotch kissed his forehead. 'You being small again is truly a blessing. It's giving Rossi and me a second chance to be fathers, Morgan and the girl's big siblings. I meant what I said. We love you, Spencer. Very much.' He thought.

"Sleep tight son." He whispered. With that, the surrogate father fell asleep peacefully.

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