Chapter 76: Lacie Proctor

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A light warm breeze blows across the desert flats. The UnSub was looking through her books and found her next ritual.

"Oh my. I like this one. But it requires a child sacriface. *smirks evily* I'll just have to hunt."

She packed up gear and headed out.

"Onward. This will be the ultimate ritual."


Reid was working on his map. He had found three dumpsites. An abandoned house, an old bridge in the woods, and an abandoned complex outside the city. Morgan was on babysitting duty. He kept a close eye on his baby brother. Hotch and Rossi went to the dumpsites and Emily and JJ went to talk to the families.

He snapped out of his thoughts when Reid his behind his chair. Raising an eyebrow at his brothers actions he looked to see a hooded figure.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to startle you little one." She said.

"How might you be miss?" Morgan asked settling his brother in his lap.

"Lacie. Lacie Proctor." She said.

"Well Lacie. What brings you here?" He asked.

"I was lost. There's no one up front so I went looking for someone." She half lied.

Morgan looked at her suspiciously. She asked for directions to nearest store. Since they didn't live there, Spencer looked his map and pointed to nearest one. Lacie smiled and palmed Spencers cheek. Spencer looked at her and it looked like he was hypnotized.

"Thank you little one." She said smiling crookedly at him. She bid Morgan good bye and left.

Morgan saw the whole thing and when Lacie was out of sight, Morgan picked Spencer up and held him tightly. He decided to tell Hotch. Lacie could be their UnSub.

"Hotch. We had a girl come in named Lacie Proctor. She could be our UnSub. He's ok. She just scared him a little. Yeah. Alright. Bye." He ended the call. He looked at his brother who was starting to fall asleep. Morgan settled back in his chair and rocked.

Dumpsite: Abandoned house.

Rossi and Hotch came up with that this house was the site of the most recent attack. In the basement were shackles to hold the prisoners and in the living room was a stake where it all ended.

They also noticed the UnSub was saftey cautious. There was fire proof tarp laying everywhere. They found the same at the other sites. Hotchs phone buzzed bringing them out of their thoughts.

"Morgan. Is Spencer ok? Your sure? Ok keep an eye on him, we're on our way. Bye." He hung up.

"Everything ok?" Rossi asked.

"Yeah. We need to get to back. Morgan and Spencer might've had a run in with the UnSub." Hotch said hurring to the SUV with Rossi hot on his heels.

They called Emily and headed to the station.

Vitcims house.

"JJ, Hotch called. We need to go. Morgan and Reid might've met our UnSub." She said.

JJ bolted to the SUV with Emily hot on her heels, they quickly took off and headed to the station.


Everyone walked in quietly in case if Reid was sleeping. He was. So was Morgan. They snapped a few photos. Emily sent hers to Garcia and got an answer back.

'So cute! Going in my office and Reids baby book.'

Emily smiled but turned her attention back to the boys.

Hotch gently woke Morgan. Morgan blinked awake and adjusted his hold on Spencer. Once he was comfortable he told them what happen.

They couldn't believe it. And what about Spencer. Would he remember it?

Spencer awoke to whispered voices. They asked him the same things they asked Morgan. But he couldn't remember much. They sighed. Now what?

A few hours later they called it a night.


Hotch settled a freshly bathed and dazed Reid in bed.

"Hotch. I'm towwy I tan't wemembew." Spencer apologized.

Hotch looked at his son and smiled softly.

"It's ok buddy. If she hypnotized you I really wouldn't expect you to remember." He said.

Spencer nodded and curled up next to his father. Hotch pulled him in closer and protectively. Afraid Spencer would disappear in the night.


Lacie was pleased.

"He would make a good sacriface. Yes. He's perfect."

She went into the basement and found her victim still sleeping.

"Sleep while you can. It'll be your last. Now to prepare."

She gathered all the things she needed. She mixed ingridients together and got her victim. She tied him to the stake and drew an upside pentagram with blood around the stake. She began chanting a protection spell. She didn't want this ritual to be ruined.

Looking back at her victim she smiled evily.

"Now to collect the finally piece."

She laughed and left to get her sacriface.

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