Chapter 94: Escaped!

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Spencer woke up in the middle of the night ready to help his family escape. He quietly turned off the baby monitor and climbed out of bed. Once out he went to Gideons room and saw he was asleep. To make sure though Reid went to the supply closet down the hall and got the cholrophorm (A/N: Can't spell that word to save my life. Lol). He poured some on a towel and gently climbed into Gideons bed.

"Had a nightmare buddy?" Gideon mumbled without opening his eyes.

"Uh huh." Reid replied softly.

He took the towel and placed on Gideons face and he was gone.

Reid quickly bolted down the stairs and got the keys. He found the two he needed and unlocked the basement door.


The team startled awake. They heard the door being unlocked. They stood ready to tear Gideon limb by limb. They relaxed when they heard the pitter patter of little feet.

"Daddy!" Spencer exclaimed running to Hotch.

Hotch knelt down and scooped Spencer up.

"Daddy. I got the keys! We tan leave!" He said.

"Good job Pretty Boy!" Morgan said ruffling Spencers hair.

"What about Gideon?" JJ asked.

"I knoted (knocked) him out." Reid said proudly.

They chuckled. Rossi took the keys from Spencer and unlocked his shackle. He passed the key to Hotch and he took Spencer.

With their shackles unlocked they ran outside and the SUV was gone and there was no other vehicles.

"Damn. Gideon must've taken the SUV back to Quantico and ditched his car there as well so we couldn't escape." Morgan deduced.

"Then we'll have to trek through the woods. Let's go back inside and gather some items." Hotch said.

They gathered bottles of water, blankets, some food, a flashlight, Gideons guns and knifes, and a first aid. Going with what they got, they booked it. Once they were sure they were far enough they walked hoping to find shelter.

Gideons cabin (His room).

Gideon woke up with a killer headache. Remembering Spencer coming into the room he panicked that someone had taken him. He franctically searched his room then the nursery. Finding it empty, he ran down stairs and saw the basement door open.

He bolted down the stairs and found his prisoners were gone and Spencer was with them.

"They won't get to far. They don't know where their going." He laughed slightly to himself.

He gathered his emergency kit, got dressed in his hunting gear and, took off in the woods.

"You will not escape." He muttered to himself.

The team.

They walked on and on. It felt like hours but they knew it was only twenty minutes. They looked around for some type of shelter for the rest of the night.

Spencers teeth were chattering. He was freezing. Even as an adult he still wasn't use to the Virgina winters. He looked up at his father and patted his chest for attention.

"What's up buddy?" Hotch asked softly. If Gideon was following them he didn't want to talk loud enough so he could hear them.

"I I'm t told" Spencer said softly.

Hotch frowned. He felt his charge was trembling. Morgan took a blanket from Emily and cocooned Spencer in it. But he still trembled.

"Hotch we need to find shelter soon or else Spencer won't last." Emily whispered.

She was right. Spencer was more likely to get hypothermia than them since he was smaller. Hotch nodded. His tightened his grip on Spencer and held him close hoping his body heat along with the blanket would keep him warm.

"Bossman look." Garcia whispered. She pointed to an anbandoned cabin.

They bolted to the cabin. Deciding it was good enough for now they cleaned it alittle and got a small fire started. Hotch sat on the floor infront of the fire place and began to rock his trembling charge.

Spencer was happy they found shelter. He was also happy for the fire. Now he was sleepy. He yawned. He could't fist his eyes for his arms were trapped in a blanket. He yawned again.

"Sleep Spencer. I've got you." Hotch said.

Spencer nodded. "Good night evewyone. I love you."

They room filled with goodnights and I love yous. Once Reid was asleep they discussed taking turns keeping watch for Gideon. The women took first shift and the men slept.


Gideon was too tired to continue. Deciding to continue in the morning he settled in a cave for the rest of the night.

'I'll find you son. Then we'll go home and live happily ever after.' was his last thought before drifting away.


After a few hours the men, minus Spencer took the next shift. JJ took Spencer from Hotch and laid down with him. He began move restlessly.

"Shhh Spence. It's alright. Mommy's got you." She soothed rubbing his back.

He settled back down and snuggled into JJ and his blanket more.

JJ smiled at that. She gently rolled to her side and snuggled Spencer into her and wrapped her arm around him.

The men watched the scene between JJ and Spencer and thought it was sweet. They turned their attention back to the outside watching for Gideon. They also watched the sun come up.

Night turned to day.

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