Chapter 132: Grandpa and Grandson

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Rossi sang goofily in Italian while he and his 'son' and grandson cooked. Spencer was carefully placed on the counter in charge of the cucumbers, Hotch was grilling the steaks he wanted to make sure Spencer's was made so he could eat it without problems, and Rossi was making creamy cucumbers and homemade cheesy potatoes. Rossis singing made Spencer laugh.

"What so funny mio nipote," Rossi asked.

"You. Umm, how do you tay ganpa in Atalian?" Spencer asked.

"Nonno," Rossi told him, slicing up the last cucumber.

Spencer nodded. "You're silly nonno."

Rossi chuckled and ruffled the baby's hair.

"Got the cream all good and stirred?" Rossi asked.

"Uh-huh. Do we put fa tutumbers in now?" Spencer asked.

"Yep. And then we stir the cucumbers in the cream so they're nice and covered." Rossi said, putting the cucumbers in the cream and stirring.

Rossi smiled brightly when Spencer called the creamy cucumbers 'creamies'

Hotch returned with delicious-smelling steaks, placing them on the set table.

Spencer licked his lips. He was hungry now. He licked his lips again when Rossi took the cheesy potatoes out of the oven. His stomach sounded like a wolf that was ready to kill its prey.

Hotch and Rossi laughed. Hotch picked up Spencer, helping him wash his hands and then settled him in his booster seat. Hotch cut his meat into 'Spencer size' pieces, then scooped a few spoonfuls of potatoes and a spoonful of 'creamies'.

While eating, the two listened as the baby rattled off about his day, how silly Rossi was when he was singing, and how Rossi taught him to say grandpa in Italian. They smiled at the excited boy. It'd been a while since he went off on a tangent. The two also took a few pictures while watching Spencer pretending to 'feed' Artemis.

After the dishes were cleaned and put away, they moved to the living room and chatted. While they chatted. Spencer started to fall asleep. He put his thumb in his mouth and held Artemis close.

"Looks like my boy's all tuckered and ready for bed," Hotch said, rubbing Spencer's back.

"Why don't you two spend the night tonight? It'll save you a trip, and if we get a case, we won't have to drive separately." Rossi said with a tone of command.

"Alright. Our go bags are in the truck. Can you help him bathe while I get them?" Hotch asked.

"Of course," Rossi said, taking the sleepy baby from Hotch.

Hotch went out to grab his and Spencer's stuff. Hotch ran upstairs and went into the first guestroom he found. He pulled out some footie pjs and a pull-up.

"Just in time. We're all done." Rossi said, getting Spencer dressed while Hotch went to take a shower.

"There you go, Spencer. All clean and ready bed." Rossi said.

Spencer nodded sleepily. Rossi kissed the top of his forehead and rocked him in the rocker. Spencer was out in minutes.

"Thanks, Rossi. For everything." Hotch said, heading for bed.

"You're welcome. You're family you know, and speaking off, you don't need to be such strangers. If you need and/or want to come over, the doors always open." Rossi said, carding a hand through his charge's hair.

"I might take you up on that." Hotch chuckled.

Hotch's phone rang and startled Reid awake. Both men cursed.

"It was JJ we have we case. Wheels up now." Hotch said.

Once on the jet, Spencer was knocked back out. The girls awed and cooed while the men shared a smile.

"Our youngest has the right idea," Morgan said.

"We can brief in the morning, let's get some sleep," Hotch said.

They nodded and settled into their normal spots. Hotch laid down with Spencer on the couch. The jet was quiet.

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