Chapter 18: Another consult

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Hotch carried a sleepy Reid into the BAU. Garcia was waiting for him in her office.

"Aww. Good morning my sleepy baby." Garcia cooed. Taking the groggy toddler from Hotch.

"Mowning *yawn* Gawtia." He said sleepily.

After assuring the paranoid father he was fine. Hotch headed to his office. Garcia settled the sleepy boy in his seat and put a foam bowl full of Coco Puffs in front of him. Hotch told Garcia that he hadn't gone to the store yet. Reid ate the sugary cereal. JJ popped in to check on him.

"Garcia. You're not feeding him that sugary stuff are you?" She asked in full mother mode.

"Oh JJ. He can handle the sugar. The boy practically lives off the stuff." Garcia told her.

JJ sighed. "Alright. But if he gets a sugar high you're dealing with him. Anyway I have some files for you."

"Thank you my dove. And don't worry sweetcheeks, he's gonna be fine." Garcia told her.

JJ nodded and gave Spencer a hug.

"Behave young man." She said.

"Yes ma'am." He said.

JJ chuckled and headed back to her office. She missed Henry. She tried talking to him but everytime her and Will would argue and she slam her phone shut. She sighed again. Atleast her Spence being small was giving her a chance to be a better mother.

Hotch sat in his office eyes closed. He'd been called to another consult. This was the second time he had to leave Reid. He knew Morgan would have no problem watching him, but the actual problem was he needed to take Morgan with him. The girls would have no problem watching him but he thought Rossi would like a chance. Rossi never really got to be a father. That settled it. Reid was going with Rossi.

Hotch told Morgan and Rossi. Morgan wasn't too happy with the arrangments but if Hotch needed him. Rossi agreed to this.

Later after arguing with the girls. Rossi led his tiny charge into the giant manor. Rossi took his stuff upstairs. He got downstairs to find Reid looking at an abstract painting.

"Pretty weird huh? What do you see?" He asked the curious toddler.

"I see lady, and a cat, and a house." He said.

"That's what I see. Now let's go fix some dinner shall we?" He asked hearing the toddlers stomach growl.

Chuckling at the blushing toddler he ushered him to the kitchen. They made choo choo wheels and meat sauce and called it choo choo wheels and gravel. At eating their meal, Rossi helped Reid with his bath.

The two profilers then watched a movie together. Reid was half asleep in Rossis lap. Rossi smiled. He was enjoying his time with Reid. Soon Rossis phone went off.

"Rossi. Hi Hotch. Yes. Yes we're good. He's fine Hotch, you tell Morgan to calm down." He chuckling. He handed the phone to Reid. Hotch put his phone on speaker.

"Hi Hotch. Hi Mowgan. I'm fine. I'll be *yawn* good. Talm down Mowgan. We're fine I pwomise. I love you guys too. Good night." He said handing the phone back to Rossi.

Rossi talked for a few minutes. He assured the father and brother they will be fine and they would call if their's trouble.

Hanging up the phone. Rossi took a now sleeping Reid upstairs and put him to bed. He kissed his forehead.

"Sleep well buddy." He whispered.

Rossi got settled in his own bed and the two profilers slept the night away.

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