Chapter 103: Phase Two

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"Shh. Spencer, sweetie I need you to calm down." Garcia said. "Come on baby. Focus on my voice and breathe."

Spencer once again couldn't focus. It was dark again. A familiar voice started to bring him back.

"G Gawtia?" He asked shakily.

"Yes baby it's me. Now breathe. There you go." She coached.

She relaxed when Spencer mimicked her. Once his breathing was at a normal rate she gave him some water.

"Gawtia what awe we gonna do now? Fa team pwobably needs us." Spencer said.

"You're right my snuggle bunny. I just have to find a way to get my beauties working again." She said.


Hotch had his back to the door. Not hearing any growling or barking he assumed the dog had gone but he didn't want to risk it. He'd have to find some other way out. He could go out the window and get help. But he thought if he did that, Strauss would find out and harm his team. He was too small for air duct. The air duct! That was it! He might not be able to fit, but Spencer could! Spencer could help his team get out of their traps!

He texted Garcia. She answered back angerily. He told her they had no choice. She reluctantly agreed. Now he all could do was sit back and wait.

Garcias office.

Garcia was furious! First Strauss traps them like rats, now Hotch wants Spencer to crawl around in the air ducts. She told Spencer. He thought about the germs and dirt, then he remembered his family was at stake.

"I'll do it." He said.

Garcia nodded. She tokk out the vent and Spencer crawled through. He crawled and crawled and then he fell through! He got up and shook it off. He heard growling next to him. He looked and their was the attack dog that chased Hotch! If that was the dog that chased Hotch, then Hotch was in the room behind him.

With quick thinking he led the dog away from the room and locked the dog in a storage closet. He quickly went back to the room Hotch was in and knocked on the door.

"Daddy! It's me!" He shouted.

Hotch opened the door and quickly scooped up Spencer and held him close. He didn't see the dog anywhere so he figured Spencer had something to with it. After reassuring each other they were fine they raced off to find the others.

They found Rossi and dug him out. They helped Emily get out and found the lost Morgan. After assuring each other they were fine they headed back to Garcias office. Once there she scolded Hotch for putting her baby through such danger!

A familiar voice came back on the PA.

"Bravo. You found everyone and got free from your traps. But I'm not done yet BAU." Stauss said.

"That bitch. I'm gonna shoot her." Morgan growled.

"We all want a shot. But right now we need to focus on getting out of here." Rossi said.

They had to find a way out. Spencer could go through the air duct again and open the door that leads to the parking deck. But they didn't want to put Spencer back in danger. Suddenly the world spun and went black.

When they awoken, the were seperated again! And they weren't in the BAU anymore. They had no idea where they were.

Spencer woke up feeling sick. What happened to them? Why was he in a cage? The last thing he remembered was..

"Hello Agent Spencer. Had a nice nap?" She asked.

"Whewe am I? And whewe's my famaly?" Spencer growled.

"Don't worry. There alive for now." She said. She grabbed a microphone of some sort. "Hello BAU! Time for Phase 2. The games! As you may tell you're in a maze on different levels. Get to the top and you can have your prize. Your freedom and the little one. Good luck."

She placed the cage on a table top and left the room. Spencer was alone again. But he knows his family will come to get him. They always do. He really wished he had Artemis. But he was at home.

Hotch was furious! He'd been running in circles! But he couldn't give up. His son needs him! He kept going.

Rossi was beyond confused. Then again puzzles always confused him. If Spencer was with him he'd help him. He had to keep going! Spencer was waiting for him!

Garcia and Emily managed to get to Morgans level but they couldn't find him! But they couldn't give up! They wouldn't!

Morgan knew Emily and Garcia were on his level but he couldn't find them! But he too! The faster he found them, the faster they could get to Spencer! The poor boy was probably freaking out.

Spencer felt wozy. He couldn't focus. Had Strauss given him something? He'd check himself over, but his vision was getting blurry. Even though he couldn't focus he knew he had to stay awake.

Hotch and Rossi managed to find each other and were no trying to find the others on Morgan level.

Emily and Garcia still couldn't find Morgan! They turned a corner and almost ran into him!

"Aren't you guys a sight for sore eyes!" He said hugging them.

"We were looking everywhere for you!" Garcia said.

"Sorry Baby Girl. But I'm not good at mazes like Pretty Boy." He said.

"That's right. If he were with us, he'd would've gotten us out of here." Emily said sadly.

"Well let's find him and get out of here." A voice behind them said.

"Hotch! Rossi!" The three exclaimed!

They formed a group hug. Breaking it up they bolted to the next level. They were surprised by how small and easy it was. But since it was that, they knew there was something at the end. And there was. A huge door with a puzzle.

The puzzle were a series of riddles. One for each of them. Hotch took the first.

"I get wetter as I dry." Hotch read aloud. He thought about it then remembered a book of riddles he read with Reid before he turned small. "A towl."

A green light lit up. Rossi took the next.

"I not far from the point, I don't make mistakes, I fix yours." He read. "Eraser."

Another green light lit up. Morgan was next.

"What has a tongue but can't speak." He read. "A shoe."

A third green light lit up. Emily was next.

"What is yours but your friend uses more than you?" She read. "Your name."

The fourth green light lit up. One left and it was Garcias turn.

"When is a door not a door?" She read. "When it's ajar."

The door opened and revealed the toddler. Hotch ran over and busted the lock on the cage. He took Spencer out and held him close.

"Are you okay?" Hotch asked.

"I I fint Trauss gave m me tomefing...I tan't fotus..." Spencer said slowly and lowly.

Hotch frowned. He looked over the toddler and the puncture wound. He cursed. So did the others.

"Bravo BAU. But we're not done." Stauss said.

"But you said.." Morgan started to say.

"I lied." She simply said.

The world went black again. Strauss smiled crookedly.

"Phase two is no where near finished. Oh no. I still some games left." She said.

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