Chapter 120: Big Brother's Home

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Spencer woke the next morning having forgotten for a moment where he was. When he remembered he was at Emily's apartment, he climbed out of bed and tottled to the kitchen where he smelled something good. He went to Emily and leaned on her leg.

Emily hummed a tune while she cooked breakfast for her and Spencer. She felt something against her leg. At first, she thought it was Sergio again. She glanced down and saw Spencer and his bedhead. She smiled and scooped him up. She chuckled at his bedhead.

'He looks so damn adorable.' She thought.

Spencer blinked sleepily and fisted his eyes. He laid his down on her shoulder.

She adjusted her hold on him and checked on what she was making. After a quick glance and moving stuff around, she patted the baby's back and kissed the top of his head.

"Good morning Handsome. Sleep well last night?" She asked.

He nodded slowly. He was close to falling asleep.

"No sleeping Baby Boy. We need to eat and I got to you bathed. Morgan called me this morning and needs a ride from the airport." She said settling the toddler in the booster seat his daddy brought.

Spencer blinked awake. Emily chuckled at the still-waking baby. She placed a plate of homemade chocolate chip waffles and settled a plate of bacon and eggs on the table.

The two siblings dug in. Spencer had to admit Emily was a good cook.

"Do you like my special waffles?" She asked.

"Uh-huh. Fewe weally good." Spencer said taking another bite.

She smiled. They talked while they ate. After the kitchen was good and clean, Emily scooped up the whipped cream and syrup-covered toddler.

She talked to him while bathing him so wouldn't be too embarrassed. When he was good and clean and syrup free she let him dress and threw his dirty clothes in the washer.

After he dressed he tottled into the living room where Emily was waiting. She smiled at him and scooped him up. She helped him put on his coat and shoes. She took his tiny hand and led him downstairs.

She settled him into his car seat and headed to the airport. When they got there she scooped him up and held him tightly.

"Emily I tan walt." He protested.

"Spencer sweetie. I know you can walk but do you remember the statistics of children getting lost or stolen in an airport?" She asked.

Spencer thought about it and she was right. She smirked as his face came back and bit him. She patted his back and headed towards Morgan's Gate.

She smiled as Spencer rattled off facts quietly so that only Emily could hear about the planes. they walked around while waiting for the plane. When they got back to the gate Emily bumped into some old friends.

"Hi guys!" She greeted.

"Hi Emily! Well hello cutie. What's your name?" The girl asked.

"Pencew." He said around his his thumb.

"Hi Spencer. Is he yours Emily?" The guy asked.

"No. This is my baby brother." She said proudly.

They caught up for a while and went to meet Morgan when they saw him. Spencer asked Emily if he could walk up to Morgan. She smiled and set him on his feet. She watched as he went up to Morgan and raised his arms.

"Mowgan!" He shouted happily.

Morgan smiled at his baby brother and scooped him up. He gave him a hug and tightly held him as Emily did.

"Hey Pretty Boy. Missed me?" He asked.

"Hi Mowgan. And yes. I mitted (missed) you." Spencer said.

"Good. Hi princess. Hogging the boy all to yourself?" He asked feigning jealousy.

"Hi Morgan. And yep! This little guy is all mine." She said tickling Spencer's tummy and chuckling when he giggled.

They chatted and decided to hang out for the day. Emily settled Spencer in his seat while Morgan tossed his stuff in the back of Emily's car. When Morgan hopped in the front they headed toward his house.

He ushered the two inside.

"Make yourselves at home. I'm gonna toss my stuff upstairs and let Clooney out." Morgan said.

When Clooney re-entered the house he ran to Spencer and licked his face.

"Top it Tooney." He giggled. Clooney stopped and Spencer patted his head. "Hi to you too Tooney."

The two elder siblings smiled at the youngest. They headed to the kitchen to make some lunch. It would soon be the little one's naptime.

"So how are your sisters and mother doing?" Emily asked.

"Great. Sarah's got married. Desi has a good stable job and mom is well mom." Morgan chuckled.

Emily chuckled too.

"So how come you're watching Spencer?" Morgan asked.

"Hotch and Rossi are in New York assisting Sean. In what I don't know Hotch never mentioned. JJ and Garcia are on a relaxation trip. So I was the only one available to watch him." She answered setting the table.

"Ahh. So Hotch didn't say why Sean needed him? And why is Rossis going?" He asked.

"Nope. Just asked to watch Spencer while he and Rossi help Sean." She said. "Spencer sweetie. Lunch."

"Toming!" He called from the living room.

He came racing in and Morgan scooped him and settled him in his booster seat. Emily placed a bowl of steaming homemade chicken noodle soup in front of him.

"When I was little, my mama used to make this soup on cold days like this," Morgan told the toddler.

Spencer picked up his spoon and dug in. It was really good. He'd have to remember to tell his daddy to make soup on cold days.

"Good Baby Boy?" Morgan asked.

"Uh-huh," Spencer said. He slurped up another noodle and took a bite of a huge chunk of chicken.

Spencer had eaten three bowls of the soup. Emily and Morgan chuckled. For such a little guy he had the appetite of an adult.

While the elder siblings cleaned up the kitchen Spencer went to play with Clooney. Once the kitchen was cleaned the sight that greeted them in the living room had them pulling out their cell phones and taking pictures.

Spencer had fallen asleep and Clooney was curled around him protecting him. Clooney too was asleep. Emily and Morgan didn't have the heart to separate them, so they let them sleep as is. Plus Clooney growled when Morgan got close to pick up Spencer.

Later that night.

Hotch and Rossi had received pictures of Spencer sleeping with Clooney after Emily tucked Spencer in for the night.

"Clooney has gotten protective of the kid since he shrunk," Rossi said.

"Clooney wants to protect Spencer now that he's smaller," Hotch said.

Rossi nodded. They all had gotten more protective when Spencer was turned small. He wouldn't deny that.

He sighed and rolled over to turn the light out.

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