Chapter 73: Jaden

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"My my. Ain't you a cutie."

"Please. Don't do this."

"Oh but my sweet. I must."


"That my dear, is for me to know."

Screams filled the air.


Spencer marked and named all the sites and such. He'd gone through all the flies and pictures. There was really nothing. Spencer looked up as the door to the conference room. it was person. But no one he reconized. He hid behind the whiteboard. The unknown male watched the toddler. The man smiled.

"Come on out little one. I promise I won't harm you." He said.

Spencer slowly walked out. He looked at the man. He looked he ran away from something...or someone.

"What's your name little one?" The man asked.

"Spencer. What's your name?" He asked.

"I'm Zak." He said.

"Zak. Did you wun away fwom someone?" Spencer asked.

"Yes. A bad man." He said. "A little young for these kind of questions aren't we?"

"I wowt fow fa BAU of fa FBI." Spencer showing his badge.

"I see. The man I ran from. Kidnapped me from school. He took me to a warehouse looking place." He said.

Spencer nodded. "Hold on a moment peas."

"Sure." He said.

Spencer got out his phone and called Hotch.

"Hotch. A pewson who etaped fa UnTub is hewe. Uh huh. No. He's out bat tomking. I'm otay. Otay. Bye." He said hanging up his phone. "Tit (sit, you pervs) my fafew will be hewe in a minute." Spencer said.

"Okay." Zak chuckled. He thought Spencer was cute.


"I didn't really have a problem with any of my students. But Jaden's a different story. He'd always sit in the back, and stare at Kyle. Now Kyle was gay. One day Kyle asked Jaden if he'd go out with him. Jaden said yes of course and they were the happiest. But last year during summer vaction, Kyle died in a car accident. Jaden hadn't been the same since." The teacher said.

"Thank you for your time." Hotch said.

"Your welcome." She said and she got back to work.

"Ok so our UnSub could be Jaden. After Kyle died he found he couldn't be happy til he the one. So he started kidnapping he'd hope to find the one like Kyle. But if he isn't happy he kills them." Morgan theorized.

"Alright let's gather everyone and go back to the station. We need to run Jaden and Kyles name." Hotch said. His phone buzzed. Looking at the caller ID he immdiatly answered. "Spencer. Really? Is the chief with you guys? Are you okay? Alright. Sit tight. We'll be there soon. Bye."

Hotch told Morgan and Rossi that Spencer was with a person who escaped the UnSub. They raced to the SUV and headed to the station. Morgan called Emily. Emily told Morgan that her and JJ were already on their way back.


The group walked in and saw that Spencer was on the floor working and the escapee was watching him. They went and Spencer ran up to his family. Morgan scooped him up and settled him on his hip.

"Morgan you and the others go run the names and get other info from Garcia. Rossi you and I have interview duty." Hotch said.

Morgan, Spencer, and the girls went to one of the desks to contact Garcia. Hotch and Rossi sat down in front of the escapee and started their interview. He told them the same thing he told Spencer.

"One important question we have to know. Were you raped?" Rossi asked calmly.

"Yes. And he tried to kill me. But he's a terrible shot. Only grazed my arm. Doctor said I'll be sore for a few days." Zak said.

"You can go home now now Zak. Be very careful." Hotch said.

"Yes sir." Zak got up and left.

Hotch and Rossi looked at each other and got up to join the others.

"Ok doves. Kyle Rogers is clean as a whistle. Jaden however, was institutionalized for hullcinations when he 13. When he got out, they ceased buit still was on meds and he has a criminal rep and...oh." Garcia said.

"Oh what Pen?" asked JJ.

Jaden not only suffers from hullcinations but he's bipolar." She said.

Oh snap! Now they really needed to catch this guy.

"Got an address?" Morgan asked.

"Sorry. Jaden doesn't live anywhere but school apparently." Garcia said sadly.

"It's alright. Thanks Baby Girl." He said.

"Welcome my lovelies. PG out." She said logging out.

They sighed and headed back in the conference room. Spencer got right to work trying to find Jaden. Using Zaks info, he started looking at only warehouse districts.

After a few hours a face appeared.

"Sorry to bother y'all. But I was wondering if you'd seen Zak?" He said.

The team looked at the man. It was Jaden! The profilers whipped out their guns and trained them all on him. He just laughed. He looked at Spencer and smiled twistedly.

"My my. What a cutie pie you are." He said.

Spencer hid behind Hotch.

"Daddy." He whispered.

Hotch still had his gun trained on the UnSub put one hand on top of the toddlers head.

"It's alright. Daddy's here." He whispered.

"Aww ain't that sweet." Jaden said taken a step closer.

Morgan got closer to Jaden.

"Don't even think about it. Touch my baby brother, I promise you I'll send you to Hell." Morgan said vemonously.

Jaden stepped back and surrendered. Morgan and Rossi were quick to hand cuff him.

"You got me. Just know this cutie pie. I'll be back." Jaden laughing as he was being taken away.

Hotch holstered his gun and quickly scooped up Spencer craddling him to his chest and rubbed his back.

"Shhh. Spencer. Daddy's here. It's ok." Hotch soothed. "Let's wrap this up."

They wrapped and packed up and headed to the hotel.


After dinner, nobody wanted to leave Spencer. So they chilled out in Hotch's room. Carrying out a freshly bathed Spencer Hotch settled in the rocker. He hummed and rocked. But he knew his charge would be up in few hours with nightmares. He needed to get his to sleep.

Hotch was right Spencer had had two nightmares so far. Morgan grabbed a book out his bag and took the boy to the rocker and began reading. Once he was asleep he settled Spencer bext to him and fell asleep.

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