Chapter 13: Home again Home again

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Gideon carried a freshley bathed Reid downstairs and set him in the playpin in the living room. Reid never really liked them, his mother told him he'd always try to climb out. Gideon sat a baby monitor on the side table behind him.

"Alright son, I'll be right outside doing some yardwork. The baby monitors behind you if you need anything call me." Gideon said. He palmed Reids cheek and went outside.

Reid looked around for his phone and thought Gideon must have it, he saw the laptop was open and unlocked! Now he just need to get out without Gideon hearing him. He looed to see if there was a way to open any of the sides. No luck. His only option was to climb out.

'Not really a good idea. Hotch would have my head if I misstepped and hurt myself again. I really want this cast off.' He thought.

He picked up a few blankets and pillows and tossed out and on the floor before him. With that he began to climb but quickly stopped when Gideon came back in. He glanced at the toddler who was "playing". Chuckling Gideon grabbed the tool he needed and headed back out.

Reid sighed. He was going to have to be quick. He got out and quickly got on his e-mail and sent a quick message. Hearing Gideon coming back he deleted the history, shut the laptop, and got back in the playpin and started "playing" again. Gideon smiled as he watched his son play. He glanced at his laptop.

"Huh. I thought I left that open. Must've closed it. My mind must be slipping." He said to himself. Glancing once again at his charge he headed to the kitchen to make lunch.

Garcias fingers flew over the keys on her laptop as she tried to locate her baby. Her fingers stopped when she got an e-mail from her baby! He must've gotten to Gideons laptop or computer. She summoned the family and read the e-mail.

'Garcia, don't have a lot of time to talk. Track this e-mail. I really wanna go home. I miss you guys.'

The girls were in tears when they read the last part. The men were still frantic but relieved to hear their youngest.

"Garcia can you trace that e-mail?" asked Hotch finding his voice.

"You betcha bossman." She said her fingers once again flying over the keys. She found him! They were on a farm in the middle of nowhere. The address was 445 Allenway Blvd. The whole family sperated in two groups and flew down the highway.

Reid ate his lunch silently. Gideon looked at him. He noticed Spencer holding his purple dog. He could tell he was holding it tightly due to his white knuckle death grip.

"So where did you that nice looking dog?" He asked his charge trying to lighten up the mood.

"Gawtia made it fow me." He repiled pulling his dog closer to him.

"That was nice of her." Gideon said.

Reid nodded. He loved his new friend Garcia made for him. Though he didn't really like dogs he liked this one and it was favorite color. With the dishes washed and put away, Gideon put a groggy Reid in his crib. He kissed Reid on the forehead and sat the baby monitor on the night stand.

"I'm back outside to finish my work. Remember if you need me call." He said. " Sleep well buddy."

With that Gideon left. Even though he was tired he couldn't sleep. He'd rather sleep in one his siblings arms, or his aunt and uncle, his moms, or his father. He sighed and yawned. He wanted his family. He hoped they got his e-mail earlier. He shook his head.

'Of course they got it! Garcia probably traced it and now they're on their way. I have to stay awake! I have too!' He thought.

They pulled into the driveway and saw Gideon driving a John Deer tracter in the field. Rossi, Morgan and Hotch headed over to him. They were gonna need man power to bring Gideon down without casualty. The girls ran in and seprated. JJ went to the basment, Garcia the second floor, and Emily to the third floor.

Emily peeked into the three empty bedrooms and found nothing. She saw there was a fourth bedroom, and found the exhausted toddler struggling to stay awake. She rushed over scooped up the toddler and cradled him her chest crying. She had been so worried about her baby brother.

"Oh Spencer. I'm so sorry." She said softly. Reid looked up at his big sister and pecked her on the cheek.

"It's not you'we fault. G'don tould've waited at fa BAU and followed us. Tan we go home now? I wanna go home wif you guys." He said holding back a yawn.

"Your right. And yes baby, yes let's get you home." She stopped by soft mumbling.

"What was that sweetie?" She asked.

"I said don't leave my dog." He pointed to his purple friend.

Emily smiled and gave Reid his dog. Once she got downstairs the others were waiting with Gideon. Garcia and Morgan gave Reid a bear hug, JJ hugged him softly and kissed his forehead, Rossi palmed the boys cheek and hugged him, Hotch took Reid from Emily and held him tight.

Hotch had been frantic with worry. And he had his other son back, and he was safe. They seperated into two groups again. The men headed to the station while the girls took the exhausted toddler to the hotel.

When the girls go the hotel the took the now peacefully sleeping toddler to Hotchs room. They changed him in his pull-ups and summer pjs. After that task they tucked him in and kept a close eye on him.

Back at the station the men were interrogating the former agent. All they got out of him was 'he was taking his son home.' But after Morgan exploded they got what they needed for a confession. He was taken away. Reid was probably devistated. His former mentor who he loved and looked up too, kidnaps him on a emotional pyschotic break. They warily made it back to the hotel.

After supper that night, Hotch took Reid straight home. He bathed him and decided to rock him for awhile. Hotch held his charge tightly again, afraid to let him go.

"Spencer. Are you okay?" Hotch asked.

"Yeah. I'll be fine. I undertand why G'don took me." Spencer repiled.

"How?" He asked.

"His son wasn't around. And when I sent fa e-mail to Gawtia, I taw a online bill fow a funewal." He explained. "He was on a emotional pyschotic bweak. And his guilt for abanding me mut have tited (kicked) in and he took me so anofer son leave him."

Hotch was impressed. His youngest figured it out. Then again with his mind he probably knew Gideon would come for him. Hotch kissed the top of Reid head.

"I'm glad you're home and safe now son. I was so worried. The whole family was." He said.

"I missed you guys." Reid said with a yawn.

Hotch chuckled. He continued to rock his youngest. When he went to bed Hotch wrapped his arms around Reid protectively.

Gideon had a visitor. One that promised what he desired. William swore that he get his son back to Gideon and the two of them would make sure he'd never see the BAU ever again.

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