Chapter 33: Fear no more and Mini golfing

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It was a thunder stormy day the next day. Reid woke up to the sound of thunder and bolted out of bed. Reid was still afraid of thunderstorms. He came running into the living room and jumped into Hotchs arms, tightly holding Artemis.

Hotch put two and two together and rubbed the toddlers back.

"It's alright Spencer. You're ok."Hotch whispered to the toddler.

Morgan walked up to Hotch and took Reid. Morgan then took Reid outside on the balcony. Hotch was about to go out and rip Reid from his arms but Rossi held him back.

"It's alright Aaron. Morgan's just showing him there's nothing to be afraid of." He told the surrogate father.

Morgan showed his little brother that there was nothing to be afraid of. He pointed out that they were safe and if he was afraid, count after the thunder sounded and when the lighting flashed stop and to whatever number he got to was how far the storm was away.

Thunder hit and Reid started counting.

"One, two, free, four, five." He stopped when the lighting flashed.

"Now the storm's five minutes away. See Pretty Boy, there's nothing to be afraid of." Morgan said.

Reid smiled and hugged his big brother. That was one less fear Reid had. They headed in and helped to make breakfast.

Even though it was thunderstorming the family still headed out. They checked out a few suviner shops, a few malls, and the Walmart for a few groceries.

After supper the went mini golfing. Night time was the best time to play in the summer. Less people, cooler, the prices are lower. This course was huge! One side had a pirate ship, and it looked and sounded like it shot canon balls, on the other side it had a T-rex trying to escape.

They played both courses. Reid was so cute. He had the child club and purple ball. He made it looked like Artemis was playing. He got a hole in one and tossed Artemis in the air and caught him.

"You did it Awtemis! You got a hole in one!" The rambunctous toddler shouted gleefully. He raced off to get his ball.

The family couldn't help but laugh. The kid was just so adorable it was funny. He came running back.

"Did you see fat? Awtemis got a hole in one!" He said.

"Yeah, kiddo we saw. Good job Artemis." Emily said smiling at the toddler.

After a few holes the team looked around for Reid and found on the bench in front of them sleeping. They took a few pics and took the toddler back to the condo.

It was good day.

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