Chapter 78: Dammit Strauss

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Spencer woke up the next morning to Hotch rocking him in the rocker. He looked around and was confused. Why were they at a hotel? Were they on a case? He looked up his father and patted his chest to get his attention.

Hotch looked down at his son and smiled.

"Good morning." He said.

"Mowning." Spencer yawned. "Why awe we at a hotel? Awe we on a tase?"

"We were. But were done. Morgan and Rossi are packing up and the girls are getting breakfast." He said.

"I don't wemembew." Spencer said. "Do I have a tontussion or somefing?"

Hotch chuckled, then frowned. "No. But you came down with a really nasty fever. It was too high for you so the doctor said to keep you asleep and you wouldn't really remember anything." Hotch really hated to lie to him but he had no other choice.

"Oh. I feel good. Is my fevew gone?" He asked.

Hotch placed his hand on his charges forehead.

"Yep all gone." He said. "Let's get you changed."

Readjusting his hold on his charge, he got the babies clothes and took him bathroom. By the time he was done helping his charge the family had gathered at the table for breakfast. They smiled at him. Reid smiled back.

"Well look who's feeling better. You okay Pretty Boy?" Morgan asked.

"I feel bettew." Reid said digging into his pancakes.

The watched their baby through worried eyes. They didn't want to lie to him, but they have a choice. Plus they didn't want to risk him getting hurt.

While eating Reid did remember something.

"Gawtia?" He asked.

"Yes my mini genius?" She asked.

"Tan I have my tootie we got at fa mall?" He asked.

Garcia chuckled. "Of course. But after you finish your pancakes."

"Otay." He said finishing his pancakes.

They laughed. That lightened mood a little.


While on their way home Reid, Morgan, and Garcia were coloring and playing games. Reid was also munching on his cookie. Rossi was typing for his book, Hotch catching up on some paperwork, Emily was reading, and JJ was on the phone with the person the family hated the most.

"Ma'am, please we just want to go home. Do they really need us? Fine. At least give a day to freshen up, and re-pack. Yes ma'am. Thank you." JJ hung up. "Bitch."

"Let me guess. We have another case." Rossi said.

"Yep. A small town in Colorado needs us. But the cutthroat bitch decided to send us tomorrow morning." JJ said.

They sighed. At least they didn't have to go now. They went back to doing what they were doing.


"Yes I'll inform the BAU team immideatly." Strauss hung up. She dialed JJs number. "Agent Jareau. You and your team must report to Colorado. I don't care if you're on your way home or not. I understand. Yes they said they needed our help. Fine. You have a day. Tomorrow morning you are to report to Colorado am I understood."

Strauss rolled her. She swore she was dealing with two year olds sometimes. She shook her head. Maybe two wasn't a good number. After all one of her agents is now two. She sighed. What was she going to do with that unit?

Hotchs House.

Hotch carried in a sleeping Spencer. He took him upstairs and laid him down in his bed. He wanted to keep an eye on him while he packed. He smiled when Spencer rolled over and buried his face in Artemis.

Once they were packed Hotch decided to lay next to charge. He picked the boy up and settling him on his chest. Spencer moved restless and his fluttered. Hotch rubbed his back.

"Shhh buddy. It's okay. Go back to sleep." He soothed.

Spencer settled and dropped back off. Hotch kissed top of his head and nodded off with him.

Several hours later, Hotch awoke to a sound. He looked to see what it was. it wasn't his charge. He glanced at his alarm clock. Not that. Though he frowned at the time. It was 6:30 am. He checked his phone. It was vibrating. He flipped it open and read the text from JJ.

'Wheels up in 20'

Hotch sighed. He gently laid his son down and got ready. He hated to wake his charge but he needed to get him ready. He woke him long enough to get him ready, once he was settled in his car seat Spencer dropped right back off. Hotch smiled and headed for the airstrip.


"Colorado. The local police of a small town need our help to solve a cold case that re-opened. In the 1920s a girl and her girlfriend ran away because their parents didn't approve of their love. One girl was supposedly killed and the other taken by the others father. Now they believe their back and/or they have a copycat." JJ explained.

"If fa UnTub is bat, he tould looting fow fa ofer giwl. If it's a topytat it jut might be two giwls who's pawents don't appwove of feiw love." Reid yawned.

They smiled. He was so cute waking up. When they landed they headed to the station.


Like usual, the Chief was always to greet them when they arrived. They got settled in the conference room and began working.

Several went by and they had nothing. Then again since it was a cold case they really didn't expect to find much. They decided to wrap and call it a night.


Reid sat on the bed looking through the case to see if they missed something. It didn't seem like they did but he had a feeling something was up. He squeaked when someone grabbed him from behind.

"Relax Spencer. It's only me." Hotch chuckled.

He helped the mini agent get ready for bed. He grabbed Artemis and settled with Hotch. Reid slept restlessly that night.


Bloodcurling screams filled the night air.

"Oh baby. You know your screams excite me."

"P-please s-stop."

Screams piercied the air again.

"I'm gonna make you beg and scream all night long."

Sobs and screams continued. And the night wasn't over yet.

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