Chapter 7: Nothing but pain

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Hotch came out of the shower feeling relaxed for the first time in days. He was dressed in shorts and a t-shirt since they were on vacation. He had called Strauss early that morning and told that cutthroat bitch they were taking the rest of their vacation and they'd be back to work in a week. Finishing up in the bathroom he headed to the bedroom to check on his sleeping charge. He decided to let Reid sleep, especially after a pain-filled night. After watching him sleep for a few moments Hotch looked over the room service menu for breakfast ideas.

About an hour later Hotch heard the pitter patter of tiny feet. He looked from his paperwork and saw Reid coming in still half asleep, his thumb in his mouth, and his hair sticking out everywhere. Hotch smiled at the sight. Reid went up to Hotch and raised his arm sleepily. Hotch scooped him up and settled him in his lap and rubbed his back.

"Good morning Spencer. Is your head and arm feeling any better?" Hotch softly. Getting a nod, he glanced at the clock. It was 9 and Reid needed to eat so he could take some more Tylenol. Shifting Reid so he wouldn't fall he stood and got him ready for the day. He dressed Reid in shorts and a sleeveless shirt. Heading back into the living room to go over breakfast ideas his phone rang.

"Hotchner." He said. It was Morgan and Garcia. They were getting everyone to go to a diner down the street for breakfast. Telling Morgan to hang on he asked Reid if he was up to going to going out. Getting a yes he told Morgan he and Reid would meet them downstairs.

While waiting for the others to get downstairs Hotch and Reid play a game of checkers. Reid won of course.

"Hey. You cheated." Hotch said chuckling.

"Nu-uh, you'we imagining it," Reid said smiling. It felt nice to have a father figure to play with. They played a few rounds before they saw everyone coming their way. Garcia ran up to Reid picked him up mindful of his arm and head, and hugged him.

"How's my snuggle bunny today?" She asked him.

"I'm otay Gawtia." He reassured her. With that, they headed out the sliding doors and walked to the diner. It was only a few blocks away.

While waiting for their orders, Morgan and Reid were colouring on their placemats. Morgan had to admit, even the pint-size Reid was an artist. Reid drew them sitting at the table as they were.

"Whatcha drawin' there Little Bit?" asked Rossi. Reid looked up and showed him his drawing. The team was impressed. The waitress then appeared at their table with their orders and passed out the dishes. Once she was done she told them she'd be back to check on them.

Everything looked good. Rossi and Hotch got the daily special, which was 2 pancakes, eggs, bacon, and toast. JJ got the French toast with strawberries. Emily and Garcia had made it into order omelets. Emily's had cheese, bacon and ham. Garcia's had cheese, peppers and tomatoes both had a side of hashbrowns. Morgan got a Belgium waffle drowned in syrup with bananas and blueberries topped with whipped cream. Reid got to mix a whole bunch of cereals together. He mixed together Cocoa Puffs, Chocolate Cheerios, Cookie crisps, and Cocoa Pebbles. While eating they decided to head into the city and see Los Angeles and Hollywood.

After Reid was done eating Morgan gave some Children's Tylenol. Reid made a face and quickly took a sip of his chocolate milk. He didn't like medicine too much. Then again no one did. Bill paid and everyone freshened up they headed into town.

They saw all kinds of sights, like the Chinese Theatre, and some movie studios. While looking at all the sights, Reid once again rattled off facts about them. They smiled. The team secretly liked it when Reid rattled off. After lunch, they walked around a bit more, but when Hotch felt his charge use his head as a pillow it was time to go back to the hotel for a while.

While Reid napped they worked on their paperwork. About ten minutes they heard a soft sob. Hotch rushed into the bedroom he saw his sleeping charge curled up in a tight ball. Hotch lifted him and rubbed his back trying to soothe him.

"What's wrong Spencer?" Hotch asked already knowing the answer, but he wanted to hear it from Reid.

"My head huwts really bad and my awm huwts alittle." Reid cried around his thumb.

Hotch carried Reid into the kitchen, grabbed the Tylenol and gave it to Reid. Reid then put his thumb back in his mouth and buried his face in his surrogate father's shoulder. Hotch took Reid into the living room and settled in the rocking chair. He rocked and hummed Reid back to sleep.

"He okay Hotch?" Morgan asked quietly.

"Yeah, just a whopper headache and slight arm ache." He replied still rocking Reid.

The family frowned. They hated to see the little guy in so much pain. Going back to their paperwork they left Hotch and Reid to have some peace.

The family had dinner several hours later. " Now Spencer if you're hurting during the night, don't deal with the pain yourself. Wake me and I'll give you some medicine, understand me?" He asked sternly. "Yes siw." Reid replied yawning. Hotch gave Reid his bath and put him straight to bed. Hotch watched him sleep for a few hours before changing into his pyjamas and climbing into bed next to his youngest. He kissed his forehead gently and lovingly. Putting his arm around Reid, Hotch closed his eyes and prepared himself for another pain-filled night.

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