Chapter 43: Sunday afternoon

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Hotch glanced at his giggling charge. He smiled. Who know riding a tractor could be so amusing. Then again when you're 2 years old, anything is amusing. Today Hotch had nothing to do. His and Spencers paperwork was finished, the lawn was now mowed. What to do now? It was still alittle ways till Spencers naptime. It was a really nice day, he could take Reid for a jog again. His charge seemed to enjoy going jogging, and didn't mind the stroller. Then again he did need to go to the store. The store it is.

After lunch Hotch went through the kitchen and wrote down the items he needed. He did the same with the bathrooms. Hotch put Spencers sandals on and placed him in his car seat. He had to chuckle at Artemis. Since Garcia made the purple dog for him, he took him everywhere. Hotch got in the driver seat and off they were.

"Let me guess, Artemis wanted to come too?" Hotch asked smiling at his charge.

"Uh huh. He didn't want to be alone. Plus he needs his etertie (excersise)." He said.

"Ohhh. I see." Hotch said chuckling. Hotch was happy his second son was finally getting the childhood he deserves.

When they got to Wal-Mart. Hotch grabbed a cart and settled Spencer in the seat. He handed the toddler the list of things he needed.

"Ok kiddo, you're in charge of the list. It's your job to check of all the items we get." Hotch said.

"Otay! You'll help too, won't you Awtemis?" Reid asked his purple dog. "Yes Spencer. I'll help you and Hotch."

Hotch couldn't help but laugh at that. Recomposing himself he pushed the cart to their first destination. The little boys aisle. Reid blushed alittle. Hotch chuckled, he threw the pull ups in the cart and continued.

After 10-15 minutes they gathered most of the items. They only needed a few more things, go home and then it was naptime for his charge. Hotch could tell when his charge was starting to fall asleep. Hotch smiled at the half-asleep toddler. Hotch looked at the list and went to the next aisle over and saw Emily and Rossi.

"Hey you two." He greeted.

"Hey Hotch! Hi Handsome." Emily beamed.

"Hi Emily, Hi Wossi." Spencer greeted yawning.

"Hey kiddo. Looks like it naptime." Rossi said chuckling.

"Yep. Just need a few more things, then it's off to bed with this one." Hotch said.

They chatted while they shopped. The three chuckled when they saw their youngest was sacked out, using Artemis as a pillow.

They checked out and said their byes. Hotch had alittle boy to put to bed. He got home and put Spencer down, then put away the gorceries.

A few hours later Hotch heard the pitter patter of little feet. He then felt a little body climb into his lap. He wrapped his arm around his charge.

"Have a nice nap buddy?" He asked.

Reid nodded. The toddler was nodding off again. Hotch glanced at the clock. He readjusted his hold and headed into the kitchen. He and Spencer made dinner. They made a delicious chicken alferdo dish.

After dinner it was bath time. Hotch carried the freshly bathed toddler to his room and sat in the rocking chair. Hotch rocked and sang a lullaby. Spencer was asleep in minutes. Hotch glanced at his charge and smiled, he kissed the top of the toddlers forehead and continued to rock. Then his phone then went off startling Spencer awake. Cursing himself for not putting the thing on silent, he answered.

"Hotchner." He said trying to get his charge to fall back asleep.

"Hotch so sorry to bother you and if I woke Spence. But we have a case in Hawaii." JJ apologized. "Wheels up now the police expect us ASAP."

"Alright we'll be there." Hotch hung up.

"We have a tase don't we?" The toddler asked dazed.

"Yeah . Let's get packed up and you can go back to sleep. Kay buddy?" He asked.

The groggy boy nodded. He helped Hotch the best way he could to pack. Once he was in his car seat he dropped right off. Hotch smiled. He grabbed the blanket from the emergency kit and covered the toddler. He made a mental note to start getting out the fall/winter clothes. Summer was coming to a end. He snapped out of his thoughts. He checked the house one more time, making sure they had everything, doors and windows were locked, security alarm was set, garage closed. They were off.

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