Chapter 46: Hurry guys!

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Hotch walked back into the station and sat down by himself in the conference room. He was mad at himself. He sent his two boys back to a place where they were easy targets. This was the third time Reid was taken since he turned 2. Well 4, but then he was an adult so that doesn't really count. Or does it? Oh it didn't matter. Hotch just wanted his boys back. Hotch glanced at the purple dog in his lap. He sighed.

"You okay Hotch?" Rossi asked walking in the room and closing the door behind him.

"No Rossi. And I won't be til both boys are home with us." Hotch replied. "Artemis brings Reid comfort when he's scared. I can see why. I can't explain it but I can see it."

Hotchs grip on Artemis tightened unconsiously. Hotch was beyond worried.

"You know, Morgans with him. Morgan will do anything to keep the kid safe. We all would. After what you told me about Tobias and how, you and Morgan wanted to tear the bastard limb from limb. I don't blame you. Hell if I was there I would've felt the same. Now this is not you're fault. They could've been taken just as easily here than the hotel. I want this bastard, and I want our boys home. Now I don't know about you but sitting in here won't bring them back." Rossi said. "Trust me when I say Morgan will take care of the kid. Morgan will walk on glass to protect him if he had too."

With that Rossi left to join the others who still were frantically searching. Hotch looked at them and saw a burning determination. None of them were willing to rest until their boys were back safely.

Reid woke up and the felt a tight grip holding him. He knew it wasn't Hotch. Hotch had muscle but not as much as Morgan. Morgan! That's who was holding him! He remembered it being naptime and he and Morgan settled in the rocker. Reid opened his eyes and looked up his brother.

Morgan didn't even notice his charge was awake. He was staring blankly at the door. A tiny hand on his face brought him out of his thoughts. He looked down and saw Spencer was awake. He smiled at the toddler and readjusted his hold and tighten it again.

"Mowgan. Whewe awe we?" Reid asked.

"With the UnSub. We're locked in her basement." He said.

"Hew?" Reid asked.

"Yeah. The UnSub pretened to be a guy. It was her husband and son that got murdered not the other way around." Morgan said. He saw a hint of fear but longing in his eyes. Morgan wondered what was he longing for? It hit him. Artemis. The other thing besides them his family, Artemis his purple dog brought him comfort. Morgan rubbed the toddlers back. Reid sighed and leaned into Morgan. He missed his family, and Artemis.

After a few minutes the door opened. It was the UnSub. In her hand the two could see a white bag and a few cups.

"Oh you're up little one! Good, good. I brought you two dinner like I said. A burger for big brother, and chicken nuggets for the little brother, you two will share the fries. The big cup is for big brother, it's Coke. The little cup is for you little one, it's Hi-C. No sugar for the little one before bed. Now you two eat up. And it's not poisoned. If I was going to kill you I would've done so back at the hotel. Now after dinner, it's bath time and then bed time for little one. Big brother you stay up all you want looking for a way out, it ain't happening. Well I gotta go. Second shift at the hospital. I won't be home til early morning, so behave and try to get some sleep. Nighty night! She said.

Morgan sighed. He sat Spencer on the bed and got up. He placed a towel on the floor and sat Reid down on the floor. He gave the kid his food and gave him half the fries, ahd gave him his juice. The two ate their stuff like they were told. They didn't want to disobey. Sometimes female UnSubs can be a bit more violent than males. Especially when family's involved.

When they were done they cleaned up their mess and Morgan got the bath ready for Spencer.

"It's gonna be ok kid. I'm here, and we'll find a way out." Morgan assured the toddler.

"I know. I twust you." Reid said.

Morgan smiled. Nice to know the kid trusted him. He gave him his bath and dressed him in the small scrubs their UnSub had. Morgan didn't want Spencer out of his sight, so he settled him in front of the door and turned him around so he could shower.

Freshly bathed Morgan carried out the toddler and settled back on the bed. Morgan rocked him alittle and hummed. Reid pretended to sleep. A few minutes later Morgan fell competely asleep. Reid climbed out of his lap and headed toward the door. Reid deduced that you can only lock it from the outside. He sighed and looked around and saw a dumwaiter. But they made noise, and Reid didn't want to wake Morgan but it was his only option.

Deciding to roll with it. Reid quietly carried a small stool, placed it under the dumwaiter, and climb inside. He pushed the button and off he went. He was suprised that it was quiet. When he got to the kitchen he climb out. But it was a bad idea for he mistepped, and the dumwaiter was sitting over the counter, and just Reids luck there was a knife box and he landed on it. Reid yelped. He looked and he had gash on his lower leg. He climbed off the counter and spotted his and Morgans phones sitting on the coffee table. He sent a quick text using Morgans phone and leaving his phone on but locked so Garcia could track it.

He quickly got back in the dumwaiter and went back down to the basement, where an angry but worried Morgan was waiting.

Reid explained to Morgan what he did. Though Morgan disapporved of the 'not waking big brother up' part, he was proud. Morgan lifted the toddler out of the dumwaiter and discovered the gash. He took Reid in the bathroom and cleaned and patched him up. With that done it was bedtime for the both of them. Morgan rocked Reid to sleep. When he was sure he was asleep, Morgan laid down with him in his arms and fell asleep.

Garcia was hard at work trying to find her boys when her cell went off. She flipped it opened and saw the text from Morgans phone! She could it was Reid though, cause he even when he texted he still used full sentences. She alerted the team and they gathered around her.

Garcia read the text aloud. "Garcia, it's Reid. Morgan and I are fine. In a basement at the UnSubs house. UnSub is female not male. My phone is on, please track it."

Garica didn't need to be told twice! Her fingers flew over the keyboard. She found Reids cell signal in no time. They were in the city. 1919 Fisher Alleyway was there location. They all seperated in groups and flew down the highway.

Morgan was fighting the UnSub. She had forgotten something something and saw the blood on the floor Spencer had left. The UnSub hit Morgan on the head with some glass object and he fell to the floor out cold. Spencer ran to him and grabbed the biggest piece of glass. The UnSub smacked the toddler and roughly picked him up by his throat. Using the glass, he slit her wrist. She dropped him and ran out of the room. Reid heard the door lock. He threw the glass away and tried to wake Morgan but no avail. Reid felt light-headed, he grabbed a blanket nearby and covered Morgan with it and crawled under it, under his brothers arms. He let sleep consum him.

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