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I suddenly jolt up awake gasping for air heavily, like I was forcefully pulled out from tar-like darkness as the light blinded my eyes. I hiss and squint in slight pain, blinking until my vision came back to me. My heart started racing in panic and nervousness when I noticed that I was somewhere I didn't recognise. I wasn't in my hospital room, wasn't in the stark white bed sheets or in the hospital assigned pyjamas.

Where the fuck am I!?

I try to calm my racing heart beating heavily against my chest, looking up with wide eyes at the man that stood before me.

Holy shit...

It can't be...


No no, Tom Hiddleson?

Are they filming doing another movie?

I thought Loki's storyline ended with the tv series.

Tom or Loki looked at me with wide and curious eyes as he sat on the edge of my bed holding a glass of water. "Are you feeling alright?" His soft voice rings out and I just stare at him in disbelief as he carefully sets the glass down on the bedside table. I open my mouth to speak, flinching slightly at how raw my throat was and Loki/Tom gave me the glass. I didn't realise how weak I was as my hands shook holding the glass and he helped me drink the water.

"Where... am I?" I wince at how scratchy my voice was from using for the first time ever after so many years of being stuck in that goddamn hospital room with an oxygen mask over my face and a tube lodged down my throat.

"You are in Asgard." I blink at the man before me.

He's not serious, is he!?

Maybe Tom lowkey lost it and now thinks he's actually Loki after acting as him for so many years.

"What?" the man looked at me with bewilderment.

"Asgard, one of the Nine Realms?"

Ok, this is getting really serious.

I nod slowly. "And who are you?"

"I am Loki Odinson, Son of Odin and prince of Asgard."

I have to be hallucinating.

This can't be real.

I clench my jaw, a dark feeling washing over me as I remember my last moments in the hospital.

I'm not dead...

Why am I not dead?

I died in that hospital bed.

"I'm supposed to be dead." I furrow my brows, realising I wasn't in pain anymore. I ignore this so-called Loki as he looked at me strangely.

"You are not dead-" I suck in a large gulp of air, cutting Loki off. I hold it in, not feeling the burning in my chest as I slowly release the air and blink in shock that I didn't have a coughing fit.

"I'm fine... I'm not sick anymore..." I gasp out, suddenly feeling a cold breeze over my and my senses go into overdrive as I could feel the silk blankets that laid over me, the bed sheets cool against my skin as I laid on them. "I can feel again... I'm not numb either..."


I flex my fingers carefully, feeling them stretch out before pulling the blanket off to see my legs. I rub my hands on my legs, a tingly feeling in them as I was able to rotate my ankles. I swing my legs over the bed, feeling the soft carpet beneath my feet and I grab onto the bedside table. I carefully lift myself up on my feet and stand up as I switched to grab the bedposts.

~ Guardian Angel ~ (Completed) ✅Where stories live. Discover now