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(y/n) - your name


"Is she actually asleep like that?"

"I told her so many times to not fall asleep on that chair. She complains about her back after."

"Should we wake her up though. I highly doubt she's had enough sleep."

"What makes you say that?" I groan softly, annoyed by the voices that were ticking me off as I turned around in the chair to face the back, pulling the blanket over my head. "Loki, just get her up. I got business to attend to."

"Why me?" I sigh from the peaceful silence, lucidly going back to sleep but I feel someone hover over me. I try to ignore them, feeling something soft and feathery like twitch on my nose causing me to sneeze out. I bury my head in my arms, hiding my face and I hear someone snicker, pulling on my pinkie toe and tickling my feet as they stuck out from my blanket.

"Stop it!" I whine out, curling further into a ball on the sofa.

"How you fit in that small chair like a sleepy cat amazes me." I wave at the person to make them go away before I hug my pillow. Some time goes by and it was eerily quiet... too quiet. I turn back around to stick my hand out and blindly search for the clock on the coffee table, pulling it under my blankets to see that it was 9 in the morning. I sigh out and decide to just fall back asleep.

I don't know how much time had gone by for the few sacred minutes of sleep I got until I felt someone brush my hair away from my face. "Darling..." I snap my eyes open, my heart racing at the familiar nickname and I look up to see Loki leaning over me. My mind flashes once to a scene where future Loki woke me up the very same way, so sweetly and gently knowing I hated being woken up.

He's not him. Just stop it.

"What are you doing?" I notice the faraway look on Loki's face as his fingers brush against my cheek and he quickly jumps back, shocked at his own actions.

"Nothing." he says, trying to look nonchalant. "The Agent wants to see you so get ready."

"Fine." I grumble as I get up from the chair, the blanket falling on the floor. I yawn and stretch, noticing Loki staring at me with pink cheeks and I raise a brow at him. "What are you still doing here?" He breaks out of his trance as I fix my fallen straps, leaning over to pick up the blanket from the floor to fold it. "Meet me in about 20 minutes and I'll take you to the cafeteria." Loki just nods and rushes out of my bedroom.

I quickly get dressed after refreshing myself in the bathroom, getting out of my bedroom to see Loki looking out at TVA again. He was dressed in some brown slacks and a tucked-in white shirt, wearing boring modern clothes rather than the fancy leather suit he came in. He somehow made the outfit look good on him, his hair simply brushed back with a few strands falling beside his face.

I had the sudden urge to brush his hair back behind his ears and I had to stop myself from walking over to him, frowning as I looked away. "Ready?" I speak up and Loki looks at me, nodding. He quickly runs after me as I walked to the elevator, fixing my baggy shirt I wore over my tights and sneakers.

"Do you not wear the uniform like everyone else?" Loki asks and I shake my head as we get in the elevator and I press the bottom floor.

"You should've seen me the first few weeks here. They forced me into these work skirts like the other girls in here and I hated it. Threw a fit and burned them, especially the heels, until they gave me whatever I wanted." Loki chuckles and I smile at him.

~ Guardian Angel ~ (Completed) ✅Where stories live. Discover now