Alternate Timeline (Ending B)

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"Of course, you have the time machine. This is a big no no under TVA huh." I mumble out, seeing the machine that Tony made in infinity war that the TVA had now confiscated. Mobius nods as he stood next to me, his hands in his pocket. Loki and Sylvie were with me as well, all three of us wondering why Mobius called us here.

"Will you explain your great plan now?" Loki asks, raising his brows at Mobius as he takes out a tablet and I look at it in shock.

"You have the spare Pym particle tablet?"

"The one you saved, yeah I did. It was on you when we took you." Mobius passes the tablet to me, the glowing red pill in my hand.

"But why..." Mobius just pats my head as I looked at him in confusion.

"I'm sure you remember what Scott Lang explained to you. You have this single tablet for only 1 to-and-back trip for whatever timeline you want to go to." My eyes widen when I realise what he meant.

"I can go to the future..."

"You can see your child." Mobius says and I look up at him, tears brimming in my eyes.

"And why can't we use the Tempads?" Sylvie asks.

"We can't alert the others. We're not exactly allowed in here." I look at Loki, his lips pursed as he frowns at the time machine. Mobius and Sylvie walk off to be the lookout, leaving me and Loki alone.

"Loki..." I knew he didn't like the idea of me going to the future, I knew he was scared I wouldn't come back. "Loki." I whisper, turning his head so he was looking at me.

"Don't go..." I could see his fear and I brush my fingers against his cheeks. "Don't leave me..."

"I won't leave you. You know I won't leave you." Loki sighs out and leans his forehead on mine, pulling me close and hugging me. "You know I love you." he chuckles softly, nodding.

"I know..." He buries his head in my neck. "I love you too. Please come back."

"I will." Loki lets me go reluctantly and I get on the machine, placing my hand on a sensor and a suit envelops me. I get hit with a sense of deja vu, locking in the Pym particle tablet. I take in a deep breath, waving at Loki as I try to calm my racing heart. "I'll see you later Loki." I whisper, closing my eyes as I turn the machine on.

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I gag as I lean against a wall, my body buzzing from travelling through time while my stomach flipped making me feel sick. "Oh, I am not looking forward to doing that. It's the Bifrost all over again." I groan, standing up once I was feeling ok and my suit disappears. I look around, instantly recognizing the hallway I was in. I was standing next to the door of my bedroom in the Avengers Tower.

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