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(y/n) - your name


"(y/n). Wake up." I whine out, swatting off the hands that were shaking me as I snuggled into the heavenly soft bed. "Come on sweet cheeks you need to get up."

"Let her sleep, Tony. This is the first time she got proper sleep." I groan and hide under the blankets, curling into a ball. I was way too comfortable in the trackies and hoodies that I had found in the closet after my hot bath and the thick blanket covering me.

"I want to see her powers!" I hear Tony whine like a child and I growl lowly as I pick up the blanket to see the alarm clock on the bedside table showing that it was 11 am.

"The fuck is wrong with you guys! It's too early!" I huff out, taking my blanket off my face to see Tony, Steve and Natasha hovering over my bed. The boys jump back in surprise as I growled at them, Natasha snickering as she eyed my bird's nest hair.

"Damn girl." Tony flinches back as I glare at him before going back to dive under my blanket. "(y/n), I want to see your powers!" Tony continues to shake me and I growl.

"Uh Stark, I think you should stop-" I immediately throw a pillow at Tony's face and he blinks in surprise as it falls to the floor. Steve and Natasha burst out laughing until Tony picks up the pillow and wacks Steve in the face. "Oh, now you've done it." Steve takes another of my pillow and starts fighting Tony and I groan now that I won't be able to sleep anymore.

"Boys." Me and Natasha mutter out and I go to brush my teeth and freshen up. When I get out of my bathroom again, the boys were still fighting.

"Really?" I roll my eyes, picking up a stray pillow and wacking Tony and Steve hard as they get thrown to the floor. "You guys done?" I throw the pillow back on my bed, not bothering to fix the bed since I was hungry again. I walk down the hallway, ignoring the odd looks of agents as I head into the kitchen to see Bruce and Thor already there.

"Morning Lady (y/n)!" I grunt in reply, looking for milk and cereal plus something to drink.

"You're not a morning person are you."

"No." I snap back at Bruce, sighing blissfully as I started eating my cereal. "What's today's agenda?"

"Tony wants to see your powers so he can identify what it would be called and Fury wants you to talk to Loki."

"So you think that I might be able to get info out of Loki for you huh Fury." I call out, staring straight at the camera that was in the corner of the room knowing he was keeping an eye on me. As soon as I finish eating, Fury called everyone back in the meeting room, including me. The avengers sat at the round desk as I sat between Bruce and Thor. 

"Since we are all here," Tony looks at me, curiosity in his eyes. "Can we find out what your powers are, please!"

"Agreed. We need to know if you will be a useful asset to the team."

"From the battle in Jotunheim, (y/n) has shown skills of destroying their magic attacks, shielding us with forcefields and she has even easily immobilised me with her magic!" Thor exclaims proudly.

"So matter manipulation?" Tony and Bruce speak up and I look at them in surprise as they look at each other with worry.

"That's an extremely strong superpower." I mutter out, staring at my hands as I let lightning streaks crackle through my skin. "That allows me to have the ability to control matter including atoms and particles."

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