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(y/n) - your name


I grumble lightly and tug my hoodie over my head, my arms crossed as I was close to nodding off to sleep on Loki's shoulder as he, Thor and I waited for the other Avengers to arrive. It was time for the brothers to head back to Asgard with the tesseract and Thor asked me to go back with him so I was. Everyone soon arrived, Bruce handing Thor the tesseract in a chamber, holding one end as Loki held the other.

"When will you get back?" Steve asked me and I shrugged.

"There isn't transport necessarily from Asgard cause someone broke it," Thor chuckles nervously as I look at him. "but who knows. With my record, I might just drop in out of nowhere on your floor." everyone laughs at the thought and Tony ruffles my hair.

"Don't do anything I wouldn't do."

"Don't count on it Tony." He rolls his eyes but hands me a couple of bags.

"Don't question it. Open them up when you get there." I nod and Loki holds my hand to signal that we needed to go.

"It's great seeing you Pepper and Clint even if I haven't introduced myself yet but it looks like I need to go. I'll see y'all later on the flipside." I wave goodbye to everyone as Thor turns his handle on the chamber, Loki squeezing my hand in his. I close my eyes and lean my head on his arm as blue light surrounds us. I hear the Avengers say goodbye to me, their voices fading as we teleported to Asgard.

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"Oh, that is not something I'm ever going to get used to." I hag out, stumbling over my feet as my stomach felt queasy from the teleportation. "How do you guys not get sick?" I groan, feeling sick in the stomach and Thor chuckles.

"We have lived here for centuries. It is a tolerance that we have built over those many years." I nod and look up to see that we stood in front of the realm known as Asgard once again, still magnificent as ever.

"You really can't beat how beautiful this place is." I murmur out, following the brothers down the rainbow road with my luggage floating next to me. The sun shone on the world like a place of heaven and fairytales as the palace stood in the middle with its gold glory.

"Asgard truly is beautiful, I have to agree with you Lady (y/n)." Thor agrees, a look of contentment and warmth of love for his home. We soon reached the front doors of the palace as guards stood at the top of the stairs as if they were waiting for us.

They came forward and took the mask off Loki who had a smug grin on his face. "It is great to be back." 

"Brother, I advise that you behave in front of Father. He may even decide to quell your charges against you." Thor was about to walk away when I stop him.

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