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(y/n) - your name


I hovered a couple of feet in the air, letting my magic wisp over the Sokovian village in a blanket of white as Wanda mind-controlled the people that were awake to leave as I moved the ones that were sleeping or unconscious. I swept them up gently, lifting them out of their homes carefully. I struggled to keep a hold on these people since there were so many of them, gritting my teeth as my body flashed brightly. It was faster to get all the villagers out but it was an odd scene of a sea of bodies floating through the air.

The sun had started rising and I tried moving the people faster as bots start crawling up on the streets of Sokovia, the civilians on the streets screaming in fear. I hold the flying people with one hand, waving my other to surround the street civilians in shields so no one gets hurt.

"Shit." I hear something cracking as the world shook and I curse as I see fissures running through the ground as a hunk of Sokovia is ripped out from the earth. I gently put the people that were unconscious down on safe ground but there was still civilians trapped on the hunk of earth that was lifting up.

"Do you see? The beauty of it, the inevitability. You rise, only to fall. You, Avengers, you are my meteor, my swift and terrible sword and the earth will crack with the weight of your failure. Purge me from your computers, turn my own flesh against me. It means nothing. When the dust settles, the only thing living in this world will be metal."

The famous speech.

I lower myself down onto the streets to land, looking at the destruction around me. "Let's do this thing." I rub my hands, feeling the energy of my powers build and harden between my hands as a glowing ball formed and sparked. 

My body fizzled painfully as the ball grew bigger and when a bot charges up to me, I slam my hands on its head. My powers burst from the bot and spread out like veins and electrocute the bots one by one like a chain reaction as they rapidly race down the streets in a blast of white.

"We have a job guys: tear these things apart. You get hurt, hurt 'em back. You get killed, walk it off." 

"What do you think I'm doing Steve." I hiss out, watching the bots drop one by one as I heave. "I cleared out most of them for you guys.' I pant out, feeling out of breath from the overuse.

"We got more incoming."

"You've got to be fucking shitting me here!" I groan out, jumping up from the ground and flying down the streets past all the avengers. I fly past the bots, latching them in my power grip as I drag them behind me. I gather more bots with my power as they flail behind me before I dive up into the sky. I stop short and the bots blanket above me as they try to shoot me but I clogged their weapons with my powers, fisting my hands and I crush the bots easily.

"(y/n), what's with the metal sky!?" I hear everyone ask me and I grin.

"It's going to rain people. I suggest you get something to cover up." I grunt out and I see each avenger throwing as many bost as they can into the sky as I send the metal blanket through them, ripping them apart. I summon the metal as it circles around me in a silver tornado, the sky darkening as the winds whipped around me. "Hey Ultron, I have a gift for you!" I hiss out and send the barrage of metal directly at Ultron. He gasps and tries to escape, sending a blast at the turret of metal.

"You think you can stop me (y/n)?" Ultron hisses out and I suddenly shift back from a burst of power from Ultron as the blast collides against the metal. "You are a pathetic being that doesn't have a clue of the power she wields. You haven't even scraped the surface!"

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