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(y/n) - your name


I hum softly to the music that was playing in my headphones, blasting loud enough to drown out the silence as I laid down on the large sectional couch. I was slaying down on my back, feet dangling over the couch pillow and feeling lazy when I knew I was supposed to be training with the others.

Yes, I was back at the compound cause I wanted to give Tony and Pepper their alone time that they desperately deserved. A couple of months have gone by through the year and I was getting comfortable hanging out in the compound.

A movie was playing on the TV next to me but I wasn't paying attention as I closed my eyes as let the music wash over me. I tap my feet on the floor along to the beat, waving a hand against my face to ease the heat I was experiencing despite the shorts and the baggy short sleeve shirt I was wearing.

"(y/n)." I blink and open my eyes, thinking that someones was calling for me. I look around me to see the couches were empty and I was the only one in the living room, sitting up to peer over the couch when I heard my name again.


"(y/n)." my name was whispered and I felt shudders run up my spine, slightly freaked out.

"Loki?" I mutter out, recognising the voice against the music in my ears. I look at him in confusion as he walks over to me on the couch and I look around to see if the avengers were in sight.

This isn't right.

Why is he here?

A gasp escapes my lips as Loki suddenly climbs over me on the couch, a smirk gracing his lips as his dark hair gently fell over his shoulders. He pushed me back down on the couch and I look at him with wide eyes as he straddled over me.

"L-Loki? What-" I stutter as his cold fingers brush against my bare thighs, trailing up against the skin. My breath hitches his other free hand slithers beneath my shirt to hold my waist as the other rubs circles on my inner thigh. I could feel my heart racing quickly as confused thoughts were running through my head.

What is he doing!?

Why is he doing this!?

Why is he here!?

Where is everyone!?

Why is a spicy song playing while this is happening!?

"Shh darling." the thoughts disappear altogether as Loki leans down to whisper in my ear, his lips brushing against my cheek gently before moving down to leave a cold kiss beneath my ear. A whine leaves my lips as the kisses trail down my neck, getting harsher as he nibbled and sucked on the skin.

"Loki-" I gasp out softly as he licks against my collarbone, his hand running over my stomach and brushing against the hem of my shorts. My eyes flutter closed as I let his hands wander over my heated skin, pulses of magic running through my veins from his fingers that shot pleasurable shocks through me.

"Mmh darling, let me hear you more." Loki mumbles against my neck, his growl vibrating through me as I let out a soft moan. He moved to hold my arms above my head in one hand, the other creeping up further beneath my shirt to my breasts.

"Oh, Loki~" I throw my head back to give him more access to kiss across my neck as he teased me by tracing a finger beneath my boobs. My body heated up more as I writhed beneath his body that laid over me, the pulses of magic increases and shocking more towards my core. I let out a louder moan from the feeling and I twisted beneath his grip but he tsks.

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