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(y/n) - your name


"Why am I here?" I whisper towards Tony as I stood next to him behind the rest of the Avengers as we hung towards the back of the meeting room. Pietro was hiding out in his room, making sure to keep out of sight since he was still declared dead so no one is to know that he's alive and that I can bring people back to life or both of us are going to be experimented on.

"Cause he already knows you exist. I was planning on hiding you but no point." I give Tony a pointed look as I lean against the glass wall, my arms crossed. "I don't know (y/n)." Tony sighs out and I nod as we half-listen to what this old man was going on about some surgery or something.

"-but while a great many people see you as heroes, there are some... who would prefer the word 'vigilantes'."

"And what word would you use, Mr. Secretary?" Natasha speaks up and this secretary dude looks at Wanda then at me.

"How about 'dangerous'?" He walks to the side and a holographic screen of a world map pops up. He pulls up footage of all our major fights, New York, Washington DC, Sokovia and Lagos. He showed us footage of citizens all screaming in fear and despair as the avengers left behind destruction and chaos. Everyone around the table started looking grim and regretful.

"Ok that's enough." I pipe up from the back, noticing Wanda being the most affected by the footage.

"For the past four years, you've operated with unlimited power and no supervision."

"Ok and?" I put my hand up like I was in class and the old man looks at me while the others were shaking their heads for me to keep my mouth shut. "After each battle, I have personally screwed myself over to make sure everything is fixed and back to how they were."

"I understand (y/n) and I-"

"-I don't think you do. (y/n), out of everyone, constantly puts her life at risk. Even though I tell her not to," I give a sheepish look as Tony subtly scolds me.

"Agreed. She made sure the helecarriers never crashed into Washington DC," Steve speaks up and Tony brings up the footage of me dissolving the 3 large airships. I wince, remembering the torture I went through as I saw the dark version of myself fall through the sky.

"(y/n) repaired New York overnight," Rhodey adds and Tony brings up images of the day before and next, everything being back to normal.

"She showed tremendous strength in Sokovia when our original plan had failed," Vision says and I clench my jaw as I see my dark self once again.

"She mended my mistakes in Lagos." Wanda mutters softly and the video of me putting the building back together is shown.

"I understand and commend (y/n) for her abilities but she is the one deemed more dangerous." The secretary suddenly brings up multiple footage of me using my powers, of me killing creatures or putting the people around me in danger.


"She can't control her powers." Videos of me wielding the multitude of my powers that almost took out villages easily if I lost control.


I was bombarded by the evil version of myself appearing on-screen non-stop, the dark figure sneering and filled with rage and darkness as I stumbled back in shock. "Stop it." I gasp out, disgusted and afraid of the person I became in the videos.

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