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(y/n) - your name


"Loki! I can't believe you-ugh!" I let out an exasperated sigh, stomping away to the main area where the agents were trying to start up their engines again. "How bad is it?" I ask Fury and he sneers.

"We're plummeting to the ground and quick." Everyone around me looked more panicked than ever and I knew Tony and Steve were already having trouble trying to get one of the engines to work again. I clench my jaw, sighing out.

I can't believe I'm going to try something.

I close my eyes and focus on myself, summoning my powers to wash over me as I hovered in the air. I fly towards the glass, letting it split away as I fly through. The glass closes behind me as I float in the air, the helecarrier burning and falling through the air as the wind howled around me.

"(Y/n)! What are you doing!?" I ignore Tony, flying beneath the helecarrier. I try to calm my rapid heartbeat, placing my hands on the surface of the airship as wisps of magic spread across the metal. I grunt out, feeling the weight of the helecarrier drop heavily on my shoulders as I struggle to hold it up.

"Don't do it (y/n)! You haven't tested your limits!" I hear Steve call out and I cry out as I lift the helecarrier up away from the earth, my powers creeping over the HQ until it was completely covered. My body burned as the lightning streaks fizzled and cracked across my skin, a white glowing mist surrounding the helecarrier as I lifted it higher and higher.

"(Y/n) stop!" Everyone begs me to stop but I know that it would end in disaster if I didn't, screaming out in agony like my body was aflame as a burst of white light surrounded me. There was a surge of waves pulsing from my body as I pushed myself to keep the helecarrier up in the air.

"Hurry up and fix the engines! I can't hold it up for long!" I scream out, feeling my powers start to swallow me up whole and I start to panic. I could feel my powers start to take over, my skin splitting apart as I struggled to keep it under control. The skies sudden darkened as if night came to swallow up the day, shrieking out as it felt like I was being ripped apart.

"Just hold on (y/n)! Few more seconds!" Tony yells out in a panic and I feel my vision darkening, slowly losing my consciousness. I tried to keep my eyes open, holding the airship steady but I had used too much of my powers in one go.

Stay awake!

I blink my eyes open but I could see black dots flying around my vision, the weight of the airship crushing me as I just burned. "Ok done!" I finally let go, the darkness in the sky disappearing instantly.

"Someone get (y/n)!" I don't know who called out as I weakly hovered in the air, my powers fizzing in and out until it completely disappeared and I fall through the sky.

"Tony..." I whimper, hearing him scream out for me as I see him above me and trying to catch me. I close my eyes, absolutely exhausted as the air rushed by me. I thought it was Tony that had caught my falling body but I didn't feel the coolness of metal on my skin, instead, familiar soft cold skin holding my body as I pass out.

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