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☆ 21. Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

Due to the selective evolution of living things, not every living thing can mutate, which has resulted in the strange landscape today. The poplar trees at both ends of the road stand straight on the ground, most of them are more than ten meters high. Only a few of them suddenly rise up into the sky, and there are even one or two trees that twist their branches weirdly, attracting similar trees around them. They were beaten to pieces.

Yu Kai kept twisting the steering wheel to avoid various sudden attacks. Fortunately, there are not many creatures on both sides of the national highway, so after getting on the highway, there are even fewer creatures blocking the road. There are only some vehicles without owners clogging the road, looking dilapidated and uninhabited, as if they have been abandoned for a long time.

"It seems that the so-called threat from direct sunlight has been dispelled." The car passed by a truck lying across the road again. Qin Chu took a look and continued: "I just didn't know that all these people were gone. Where is it? You just left the car in the middle of the road. Could it be that there was an accident?"

Jing Xia was stunned and asked reflexively: "Sister Qin...haven't you ever thought that the car might be out of gas? ?"

"..." Qin Chu's face suddenly turned red, he coughed twice in embarrassment and turned away, saying: "I... I was just joking, how could I not know about this. You little bastard, you It seems that the mutated hamster on your head has been relying on you. Look at you now - a rat on your head, haha." Qin Chu deliberately raised his voice and laughed, and Qin Chu awkwardly changed the subject.


Uncle Rat is a mutated black-lined hamster! You are the mouse!

The hair all over his body exploded, and his stubby little legs were pulling Jingxia's hair tightly. He had no claws and no strength. He just tried hard to maintain his balance. He stared at Qin Chu with his small mung bean eyes. The eyes are too small to do any harm.

Jing Xia glanced at Qin Chu helplessly and said nothing.

When Butler Wang passed away, he was too emotional and blamed all the fault on Qin Chu. Looking back afterwards, he really felt a little ashamed. As Qin Chu said, he probably knew that Butler Wang wouldn't survive for a few days, and Qin Chu didn't mean it. He could only vent his grief and hurt others by blaming him blindly.

Butler Wang was very relieved to be gone, and even said that in such an apocalyptic world, it was a blessing for him to suffer less torture. After calming down, Jing Xia calmly accepted this reality and faced tomorrow. Although they didn't say anything to Qin Chu, they both made a tacit agreement not to mention what happened that night again and just pretended that nothing happened.

"What is the direct sun threat theory?" Qi Yang, who had been silent all this time, suddenly spoke, seemingly interested. He turned to look at Jing Xia and asked with a smile: "When did this theory exist again?"

Jing Xia didn't think about it. How much, subconsciously replied: "Because a few months ago, most of the electromagnetic waves suddenly disappeared, and the higher-ups... well, you know, people came and said that the sunspot activity was abnormal, and asked everyone not to be exposed to the sun. "

Junxiu's eyes slowly opened wide. Qi Yang was stunned for a long time and suddenly burst into laughter: "Does anyone still believe this kind of nonsense? It's so interesting, so interesting! The sunspot activity that can cause most of the world's electromagnetic waves to disappear has already It is not an ordinary magnetic storm phenomenon that can be described, so the x-rays, ultraviolet rays, protons and electron beams emitted by the sun must reach extremes that humans cannot bear. Long before the electromagnetic waves disappeared, the atmosphere had been completely destroyed, and before the superiors issued a notice Presumably, most of the people in the world are dead. Microorganisms are multiplying and viruses are spreading. It has completely turned into a hell."

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