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☆ 87. Chapter 87

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Chapter 87

"So... is this you? Su Wei Shang!"

Su Wei Shang opened his eyes wide in horror and turned to look at the person standing on the giant rock.

Wu Jiqing's shoulders were covered in blood, probably because he was having a hard time fighting the mutated conger eel, and he looked a little embarrassed. He stood half-bent on the rock, his disbelieving eyes focused on Su Weishang, making the believer flash a hint of guilt for an instant, and then quickly disappeared.

Su Weishang raised his head: "Wu Jiqing, do you think you are a good person? Do you think you are really as tolerant, kind and benevolent as you think you are? Let me tell you, you are not even the Holy Mother!" Anger and hatred have already passed. Su Weishang's eyes were red, almost going crazy: "You never know what kind of person I am, you never..." "

I never knew you, you are right! I thought you were really innocent and kind, my father None of my mistakes have anything to do with you. But... I have really gotten to know you in the past few months!" Wu Jiqing jumped from a rock three to four meters high, and he staggered to a stone four or five meters away from Su Weishang. place, and continued: "You just said that you came to get to know me in order to consolidate your power. You came to approach me with a purpose!"

This sentence did not hit Su Weishang as hard as Wu Jiqing imagined, or perhaps ... He suddenly laughed like crazy. If the strong hatred could be turned into a blade, Wu Jiqing would have been riddled with holes long ago.

"Wu Jiqing, you told me half a year ago that you would stay with me, protect me, and never let me get hurt again." Su Weishang's laughter had a trace of sadness, but it was very clear in the noisy voices around him. Hard to be discovered: "But what did you do next? You were suspicious of me, distrustful of me, and even wary of me because of rumors that had no source! Do you think you were very cautious? You stupid person , Even if I want to deceive myself, I can't hypnotize myself!"

The strong smell of blood and beasts in the wind made Jing Xia narrow his eyes slightly. He carefully observed his situation up and down, but found that Su Weishang didn't leave any traces. There are too many flaws. Judging from Su Weishang's current strength level, Jingxia's chance of successfully escaping was only 50%, so he did not act rashly.

Wu Jiqing's face paled when he heard Su Weishang's words. He thought for a long time before refuting: "You're talking nonsense! If those rumors are not true, then why didn't you tell me what you did when you went to District 80 alone that night? What was it? Let you go back to the dormitory until dawn? And! Do you dare to answer me, how did you kill an S-class mutant?!"

Su Weishang's delicate and beautiful cheeks were pale, and Wu Jiqing said every word When the words fell, he looked at the man he was once close to in silence without saying a word.

"You don't dare to answer, do you?! There's no way you can tell me, because those rumors are not rumors, they are all true!"

Wu Jiqing's tone was very exciting, his voice was high, and it felt a bit harsh in Jing Xia's ears. . He knew that those rumors were spread by Qi Yang's people, but he never expected that Wu Jiqing would take them so seriously.

These two people were very close to each other in his previous life, but the current situation of disintegration and division was beyond Jingxia's wildest dreams.

A mocking smile appeared on Su Weishang's beautiful face. He looked at Wu Jiqing coldly and said: "Wu Jiqing, I have some secrets that I haven't told you, and now, I'm very glad that I didn't tell you. Your character , I can't believe it at all."

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