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☆ 40. Chapter 40

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Chapter 40:

The chase between the "cat" and the mouse ended in a truce after only two minutes.

Qi Yang was panting, holding his knees and gasping for air. The long hours of mental work left him little time for physical training, and because he had not awakened his powers to evolve, his physical strength was even worse than Jiji's.

However, because the room was too small, the absolute speed that Jiji was always proud of was greatly restricted.

If Mr. Rat ran too slowly, he would be overtaken by humans with long legs and long hands in just a few seconds. If it runs too fast, this damn human will immediately turn around and catch it!

This human being's heart is really evil!

But what Xiao Heituanzi, who has always been "simple and naive", never expected was that the one who would "betray" him in the end would actually be his master!

Separated by a thick water film, Jiji stretched out his little paws and scratched the extremely elastic film, as if he wanted to use his little paws to cut open the water film. But neither its soft claws with no nails nor its tough and elastic water film would give it a chance to escape.

"Chichichichichi!! Chichichichichichichi!!! qaq!"

Bad guy! You actually helped that hateful human catch the rat! Hey, hey, hey, I wont be with you anymore!

Jingxia looked at Jiji who was trying to pretend to be vicious but couldn't see clearly because his eyes were too small. He spread his hands helplessly and looked up at the man who was hanging high and had nothing to do with him: I am I'll take the blame for you.

Ji Chuancheng narrowed his eyes, leaned down and stretched out two fingers, pinching the two hind legs in disgust that were so fat that he couldn't even tell the line between them and his belly. As soon as his fingers grasped Jiji, the entire water film immediately shattered.

When Jiji saw the trapped light blue water film break, he immediately stared at his thick legs and tried to run again. But no matter how hard it tried, Ji Chuan held it tightly, and there was no way to escape.

With tears in her eyes, she hugged the green jade in her arms tightly, and closed her eyes tightly, trying to pretend that nothing happened.

Qi Yang didn't give it this chance at all.

Qi Yang let out a cold snort from his nose, took a breath, and approached the black dumpling hanging in mid-air with a sneer. He sneered and said: "You little thing, how dare you snatch my treasure? Why don't you give it back to me?!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Qi Yang stretched out his hand to grab the baby in Jiji's arms. jade. He easily opened his fat legs and took out the jade. Before the jade could heat up in his hands, Ji Chuancheng snatched it away.

Qi Yang said angrily: "Major Ji, it is not a gentleman to take someone's favor."

Ji Chuancheng raised an eyebrow: "Is this yours?"

"..." After a pause, Qi Yang said coldly: "It's yours. With your hands, you will never be able to tell that this piece of jade is different from the others. Only by leaving it to me can you dig out its secrets." His expression was very serious, and it was rare that there was no hint of ridicule, even hanging on the The little black dumpling between the two felt a dignified atmosphere that was very different from usual.

Ji Chuan's phoenix eyes narrowed slightly, and a biting cold aura spread out from his body. He looked at Qi Yang coldly for a long time. The two of them remained frozen and no one spoke. For a long time, just when Qi Yang opened his mouth to speak, Jing Xia said matter-of-factly: "Wait a minute, isn't this piece of jade Su Weishang?" "?"

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