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☆ 22. Chapter 22

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Chapter 22:

High-rise buildings as tall as clouds stood at both ends of the road as always. The glass was gray and broken, and the road was also covered with some blackened dried blood. When the black Land Rover drove into the city, it was almost completely silent, except for some people sneaking around in the darkness, not daring to make a sound.

"S City is actually like this?" Yu Kai said in surprise: "I originally thought that a big city like S City might have more people and the situation would be better than those small counties along the way. Why does it feel like it was damaged? More serious?!"

Yu Kai looked at a bronze sculpture that had been chopped to the ground, his eyes widening. I saw that the head of the sculpture had rolled down three or four meters away, and the rest of the body had also been separated and scattered on the ground. There were still a lot of blood stains around it, and flies kept pecking at it.

"More people will bring bad things, don't you understand?" Qin Chu rolled up the car window and said with a low smile: "You haven't seen what City B looks like, it's not much different from this. But it seems like City S More seriously, young master, do you know what's going on?" The last words were turned to Ji Chuancheng.

Before Ji Chuancheng could answer, Jingxia curled his lips and said, "I don't think we need to worry about it anymore. Someone will answer it for us soon."

Qin Chu followed Jingxia's gaze in surprise. Go, through the clean windshield, I saw a tall and burly man walking towards this side making a "stop" gesture. In such a cold autumn wind, he only wore a tight black vest, showing off his strong muscles and not afraid of the cold at all.

Behind him was a protective net made of barbed wire, guarded by people with sharp weapons every five meters. At first glance, the protective net was more than a hundred meters long, isolating the entire street, and equipped with roadblocks and anti-collision barrels. The guard looked much ordinary, not as powerful as this muscular man.

Yu Kai slowly stopped the car and before he spoke, he saw the man coming over and scolded him in a vicious voice: "Where are you from? You are not allowed to drive in the base of S City, you know? Come down quickly."

Yu Kaizheng I was going to discuss and ask about something with the other party. Suddenly I heard this tone and content. I was stunned for a moment and then slightly angry: "We are from city B. Who are you? Let's find your leader and remove those barbed wire fences." ."

Yu Kai's status in the penalty area team is not low. Although his military rank is not high, he is directly under the penalty area A team, so he has always been relatively comfortable. When he saw a man who appeared out of nowhere, he scolded him like this, but he didn't Wearing a military uniform, he naturally didn't take the other party seriously.

When the handsome-faced man heard Yu Kai's words, he was already a little angry because of his bad temper. He gently raised his foot and kicked the door next to the driver's seat. Yu Kai just sneered, and the laughter was still in his throat before he could spit it out, when he suddenly felt the whole car shake suddenly, and the body of the car suddenly moved away. A few centimeters to the ground suddenly fell.

A hole the size of a fist was dented in the car door. The exaggerated and weird appearance made Yu Kai's eyes widen. At this time, even Qin Chu was staring at the deformed iron door in shock, speechless in surprise. Qi Yang, who was behind the driver's seat, sneered and said nothing.

Being able to kick this specially modified car into this, Jing Xia naturally understood immediately that this person was definitely an evolver. He frowned and turned to look at Ji Chuancheng. The latter stared at the dent thoughtfully for a long time, then slowly said: "Let's get out of the car." The

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