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☆ 62. Chapter 62

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Chapter 62:

The specific situation was not clear until Zhang Bendan asked an assistant who came to pack things. Jingxia finally understood the reason why Professor Qi and others were unable to talk about it, and even more unconsciously interacted with the man on the hospital bed. Keep some distance and don't "complicit" with it.

Because Qi Yang suddenly fainted, no one took care of the situation in the laboratory. After learning about the situation, Zhang Bendan hurried to the laboratory with a few assistants, complaining and mumbling: "I have forgotten about the experimental subjects. Major Qi will kill you when he wakes up."

Others. When the young assistant heard this, his face was as frightened as gold paper, and he rushed to the laboratory with wind at his feet. Suddenly, only Jing Xia and Ji Chuancheng were left in the huge ward, looking at each other speechlessly. No one spoke. The room was so silent that only the faint beeping sound of medical equipment broke the silence.

Jing Xia coughed twice and said: "Ah Chuan, since Qi Yang is fine, let's go back first. I have one more task to complete this afternoon, and the people in the team are waiting for it." With a stern

face There was no expression on his face. Ji Chuancheng looked at Jingxia quietly for a long time, and then suddenly asked: "I haven't talked to you for a long time." "


Since the upper levels of the S City base issued a warning last month, After several major tasks involving the attack of marine mutant beasts, all the evolvers became busy. Ji Chuancheng and Jing Xia belong to two different major task categories. Although they live in the same dormitory, they hardly see each other or speak a few words.

For example, Yu Kai, who lived in the same room, simply moved his dormitory to a place close to the mission area because his workload was too heavy. This shows the hard work of all the evolutionists in the past month.

"I remember you... said a few words to me when you went out yesterday morning." Jing Xia struggled to find examples from his vast and boundless memory.

Ji Chuan lowered his eyes, obviously still expressionless, but Jing Xia always felt that the other party was much unhappy. He frowned and said in a cold voice: "Is it that 'get up early' or 'I'm going out first'?"

Jingxia: "..."

The temperature in the room suddenly dropped a lot.


The little black dumpling that had been hiding in Jingxia's pocket suddenly sneezed loudly without warning. It sniffed as if sniffing something. After a while, he crawled up Jingxia's shirt with his little paws, and firmly occupied the place where he had been for several months.

"Chichichichichi! Chichichichichichichichichichi!!!"

The short and sharp cry seemed a bit urgent. The little black dumpling stood on top of Jingxia's head, stretching out his two little paws and making constant gestures. Sometimes it falls down and pretends to be dead, and sometimes it strangles its own neck. It looks funny and cute, as if it is performing a drama.

His deep and gloomy gaze lingered on the mutated hamster jumping left and right for a long time. Although Jingxia felt a lot of movement on his head, he couldn't see any movement. I saw Ji Chuancheng slowly looking away from Jiji, then narrowing his eyes and saying calmly: "Your mouse is crazy." "

Chijijijiji!!!" Bah, bah, bah,

bah! ! !

Speechlessly pinching off the little thing that was twisting around on his head, Jingxia looked at Jiji winking and suddenly remembered the strange appearance of Jiji in Professor Lu's laboratory just now, and suddenly realized: " Don't you want to stay in the same room as Qi Yang?"

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