First date

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The app I use for outfits is love Nikki dress up

Green boi

"Y/n come on your little boyfriend is here!" Your sister called up to you.

You came running down the steps and you looked like this

You came running down the steps and you looked like this

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You can change it

You two ended up going to the board walk. It was a nice day and you two made fun of each other while playing mini golf. It all ended while you two are ice cream. 10/10 date.


"Where is that girl?" Your mother asked herself

You ended up looking like this

Change it to however you feel fit

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Change it to however you feel fit

You two ended up going to the zoo. Everything was over priced so you brought your own food for the two of you to share. You both ended up getting drinks due to the day being really hot.

"Hey look it's you."

"I'm not a hedgehog!"

Candy cane

"Hey Shoto come on in!" I told him

You look like this

Change it if you must

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Change it if you must

You both went to the nearby park and had a picnic while looking at the clouds. It was really cheesy while he was trying to do pick up lines but he got it eventually. I think Denki was teaching him. After the picnic you fed your leftover bread to the ducks.


"I'm sorry getting the puppies away from her are is like catching air." My dad told him

What you look like

What you look like

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You know the deal

You both went to the movie theater and saw (insert movie here). You ended up falling in love with the movie and couldn't stop talking about it. You went to a nearby diner and talked about puppies. It was classic but you enjoyed it.

Dunce face

"Hi mister are you here for Y/n?" One of my younger sisters asked. He nodded and saw me.

"I told you not to answer the door Incase someone bad is out there got it!" I told her and all my other siblings.

"I told you not to answer the door Incase someone bad is out there got it!" I told her and all my other siblings

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You both went to the arcade and you destroyed Denki at DDR. He then tried to kiss you but you deflated it really quick. You both ended up getting a giant panda which you gave to your younger siblings.


I came down the steps very carefully since I wasn't used to heels.

I came down the steps very carefully since I wasn't used to heels

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It's passed midnight and I don't care anymore

You both went to the amusement park and turns out you don't like haunted houses. Shoji ended up winning you a teddy bear. You both did that cheesy thing where you both rode through the tunnel of love. It was a great time as you made fun of the animatronics.

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