Shinsou catch up

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In case you have Instagram or just wanna ask questions by going into my dm's and I can answer them when we go live. If you do follow me on Instagram then you should have a new post by me for 9:30 tonight.

How you meet

You actually Aizawa's secret child that no one actually knows about. So when he started training he saw you as well.

"Hey I'm shinsou nice to meet you!" He just loudly said. You smiled at him and just kept training.

"You know my name pretty boy." You said as you flew up to kick the ball.

Your quirk

Angel wings- allows you fly like a bird but only works if you have not done anything inappropriate for the past 12 hours

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Angel wings- allows you fly like a bird but only works if you have not done anything inappropriate for the past 12 hours

Drawbacks- if you clip your wings on something then they are hard to get out. Come on there wings for crying out loud.

You meet again

When you got into UA through recommendations you decided that shinsou was your best friend. You would sit with him every day and got to know him better.

"Your not as snarky when we first met!" He said. You just sighed and agreed with him.

When he asks you out.

"Listen prick I don't have all day!" You said as shinsou grabbed you hand and pulled you to the gym.

When the lights came back on you started crying since it was the general studies group sitting there holding a sign for shinsou to ask you to be his girlfriend.

"What ever nerd we'll go out!" You said sharply. He laughed and gave you a cupcake. "Your cute as well."

First kiss

On your first date you didn't want to dance with him so he forcefully dragged you out and you started dancing. Right as he dipped you he kissed you.

"So tell me did you enjoy it?" He asked. You nodded and he kissed you again. "There's a lot more where that came from."

Things as people have said in school

"I am gay it runs in my family."

"Shut up its not hereditary!"

What he does when your pregnant

He makes sure that he has enough sleep every night since he wants to be prepared when the baby comes. He also gets you chocolate when your sad so that's cool I guess.

Your best friend


When you turn into an animal

When you were out walking some construction worker tried to warn you of the pavement but when he tapped your shoulder you turned into a cat with wings.

You flew all the way home as a cat and shinsou laughed as you tried to open the door.

Cute couple things you do

You'll fall asleep in the most random places that people wouldn't fall asleep in. Iida once carried you to bed and it ended up being really scary since you didn't know where you were.

First time?

He went over to your dorm and just said. 'I wanna fuck' and you looked at him confused and eventually found out he was serious.

Wedding dress

You both got married in a small church up in the mountains and the next day you were coming down the mountains and you almost died

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You both got married in a small church up in the mountains and the next day you were coming down the mountains and you almost died.

Couple song

Kryptonite- three doors down (the music video is weird)

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