❤️👾Idk what to name this (dabi x reader) part 2

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It had been a bit since you told Dabi that you didn't want kids just yet. You had been thinking about it a lot and it's starting to sound like a good idea.

"Hey Dabi I think having kids is a good idea now!" You told him. He hugged you really tightly and kissed your cheek.

He then brought you to the room and did the thing. That's when toga snuck into your guys room.

After a few months you just couldn't get pregnant and you started thinking maybe something was wrong. No you had periods so your able to have children but it was frustrating.

"Babe I think we should just try again!" Dabi told you. You were a little upset with this being the same old conversation you've had for a bit now.

"Why the fuck can't I get pregnant? Do you even know how to be a dad?" You yelled. He was angry now.

"Why just because my dad wanted to perfect quirk to beat all might doesn't mean I want that as well! Are you saying I'll end up like my dad?" He yelled at you.

"If your gonna admit it first then yeah! I'm saying it!" You barked back. His hands went up with blue flames and he sent it to you only a spark reached you but it hurt like hell.

You started crying just to storm off to get away from the drama. It was about 1 am in the morning so no one was really outside or watching what was going on.

The park was nearby so you decided to sleep on a bench. You didn't care what anyone felt at the moment you were just upset. You made your clothes large to act like a blanket and your hat large to act like a pillow.

Meanwhile Dabi felt really bad on what he did but he knew you would come back in the morning since that was your home. A dumpy two bedroom apartment that wasn't in the best part of town.

You both barely had enough for food, how would you be able to take care for a child? He decided to clean up the messes in the kitchen and in the living room. If you were gonna come back you would be mad that there was a mess.

Your shop was still open but being run by a girl you hired. The shop was doing good she just would let people have stuff for free.

"Shit I should go after her." Dabi grumbled feeling guilty. He scanned through the back alleys trying to find out if any of the hobos would see you.

He finally found you on the bench shivering since your clothes weren't helping out that much. He decided to pick you up and warm you up on the way home.

"I'm sorry I snapped." You whispered. He looked down at you and smiled.

"I'm sorry as well." He grumbled. You smiled holding him closer to you. "What am I that warm or something?"

"Nah I know if I cuddle against you hard enough you'll get horny eventually." You laughed. He laughed as well then dropped you into the snow.

"Whoops." He shrugged. You then jumped back into his arms getting warmer by the second.

10 months later

"Dabi can you feed (time for name randomizer time) Carrie right now?" You asked as you both woke up for the second time that night.

"Yeah I got it." He whispered. He got up and as soon as he walked in there the crying stopped. Carrie only cried when she wanted attention or was hungry. If was very confusing on what she wanted for a while.

He walked back in with her and she grabbed your finger when you were reaching for her. She was so tiny and adorable. She had dabi's icy blue eyes and h/c hair. You both were happy with your small family.

(Yes you did fire that worker and got a new one!)

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