You catch him being weird

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So you know he likes to collect All Might things right? Well you weren't expecting when he met All might as a whole class he would literally draw him. You only found out since you thought it was his diary so you actually read a bit of it and made him a all might keychain with the photo. It's not weird just a little funny thing


You thought it was weird that when you first hung out with him and his friends that they literally break boards with Kirishima's hardening quirk since I guess it helps him train. You thought it was weird at first but then you got really into it.


You once walked into Denki's dorm room and Denki was there trying to teach slang to Todoroki. You stood there for a good 10 minutes before they noticed you.

"Hey do you know what a matterbaby is?"

"Nothing much how about you?"


So I'm gonna make people a bit uncomfortable here but you once walked in on your boyfriend wearing short shorts. I mean they looked good don't get me wrong but you use it for blackmail if he makes you mad.


So you decided to climb into his room one night and you looked in to for the love of god singing hips don't lie very dramatically so much so that his dad literally threw a pillow at him. You could say he's a bit tone deaf.


So every person has a girlish side to them right? Yeah you aren't saying it's weird but you thought it was kinda funny. You walked in on him in a ballet dress looking very defeated. Apparently he lost a bet with Sero so now he has to wear a ballet uniform of a week.


So you would have never guessed for Sero to be scared of bugs. So he has tape all over his room to catch bugs. Well he has a spider in his room that he hasn't noticed yet and you showed it to him. He screamed like fucking little girl mixed in with a horse.


You once were really bored and you decided to visit Kirishima and his friends. Well you weren't expecting to be using his quirk and he bit into the coffee table while Iida and Bakugou yelled at him.


So for some unknown reason Dabi has a mother fucking fire proof bat. Why you may ask to beat the shit out of his dad when he sees him again.


So his is kinda spoilers for next weeks episode but here we go.

So you know how Aoyama had been spying on deku well you caught him climbing back into your window when he was done with his starring. You just rolled over and went back to bed.

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