How you would feel if you lost your baby

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This whole chapter is gonna be a trigger warning since I don't know your guys stories and I don't want to make anyone upset. I'm sorry for whoever has gone through this and I hope your future looks brighter.


You were jogging since you still wanted to be healthy. Little did you know a new hero though you looked like a villain that had been on the loose for awhile now. He pinned you down on your stomach and you felt something was wrong. Luckily another pro hero was there and got the guy off of you. Your baby didn't make it and you were deviated.

You ended up calling Izuku and telling him what happened. You both had to call everyone and they all sent cards. The hero ended up having his license taken away for about a year.


You had to go into emergency C-section since your baby wasn't getting enough air. Bakugou wasn't let in due to his sweat. So he watched through the window. The doctors stopped working suddenly and they told you that your baby suffocated. You began to cry.

The doctors wheeled you out and you told Bakugou what happened. He held you close but when you were told about an abandoned child you both took them in as your own.


You both were moving out of you two bedroom apartment into a bigger safer area. You weren't paying attention and someone let go of the dresser that was being hauled upstairs. It took you back into the wall and Todoroki took you to the hospital.

Sadly they were only able to save one of your children since you were having twins. It came prematurely and they were healthy. So sort of happy ending?


You went into labor 4 months before your due date. You knew it wasn't normal so you tried staying calm while Iida was freaking out. To put it simply your baby didn't make it. You both were upset and you knew that maybe it was too soon. So you guys would just wait a few years.


He was messing around with his quirk and accidentally hit you with it. It ended up effecting your unborn baby. You both decided that you both should go to the doctor. The doctor confirmed that you had a miscarriage.

You made Denki sleep on the couch for the next pregnancy as punishment.


You had have some cramps during your pregnancy but your mom told you it was normal and you shouldn't worry. Well after that you started bleeding really heavily and you hadn't felt your baby do anything in a bit so while shoji was at work you went to the urgent care and they confirmed you belief. You didn't blame anyone you knew it could happen and it happened to you.

You were deviated you didn't eat that much for a week and locked yourself in your room. Shoji made you feel better with cuddles and singing.


Believe it or not you were the handy one around the house. So whenever something needed to be fixed Sero would tell you. Well this time instead of calling someone to fix your roof you decided you could do it. It ended poorly with you falling off the roof and onto the grass. It didn't help since your baby had died on impact.

Sero didn't blame you but the next pregnancy you would just call someone instead of being miss handy woman.

Kirishima- gruesome

You both had gotten into a fight and you drove somewhere to try and clear you head. You were going at a green light when someone ran a red light and hit your car in the side you were on. Blood was everywhere and a person who watched called 911. It was too late to save your baby and the person who hit you ended up in prison for at least 2 years.

Kirishima felt responsible for it and he started crying. You just gave him a hug and told him it wasn't your fault. He still keeps that burden to him all the time.


Everyone though you should stay back on this mission including Dabi. You were about to agree when heroes came in and started beating everyone up. You tried to hide behind the bar but glass kept shattering on you. You were crying out in pain and kurokiri took you somewhere secluded. Someone found you and took you to a hospital. Where due to the excitement and you being hurt the baby died.

You escaped a few days later and came back. Dabi hugged you but you just went upstairs and cried for a good 2 hours before Dabi broke down your door to cuddle with you.

THAT WAS A HARD CHAPTER TO WRITE! I hope you all are safe and bye!

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