👾 a rough goodbye (dying! Reader x class 1-A

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Also I thought it was funny that my science teacher went into maternity leave when you requested this

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Also I thought it was funny that my science teacher went into maternity leave when you requested this.

Your cancer was supposed to be gone key word supposed. Well it came back and I was worse little did everyone know you were running out of time and quickly.

"Did you take your medicine?" My dad asked. I nodded and hooked up my breathing mask. I knew my time was gonna be up soon what would my dad do when I was gone? He was a popular pro hero by the name of present mic.

We had stopped treatments since there was practically nothing we could do anymore. I stared at the boxes in the corner of my room. That was my breathing cans which I feel like dads just wasting money at this point. He was in denial.

I woke up the next day feeling weaker then the day before. The doctors said I could possibly die at anytime and I had been crying every moment. I wanted children I wanted to be happy away with sickness and find someone who loves me for me.

"Hey Y/n how are you feeling today?" Momo asked as I arrived late. I had been cold even though it was 90 degrees outside and very sunny. "So as the matter gets closer everyday you don't have to but we thought it would be a good idea to pitch in for cancer research."

Something felt wrong as I coughed as felt sicker. Aizawa told me that I could just go home and live out the rest of my days in peace and no one had to know that I had died yet. Or I could be in his class and whenever I felt unwell I could have a personal doctor with me.

"Hey you alright Y/n?" Todoroki asked. I nodded and passed out.

I woke up a few hours later in a hospital every one except for Bakugou was sitting in the far part of my room.

"You need to stay in the hospital so we can monitor you and see how well your doing." A doctor told me.

"WHY CAN'T ADULTS JUST UNDERSTAND IM DYING AND NOT BE IN DENIAL ABOUT IT!" I yelled. I started shaking uncontrollably it happens sometimes where I just need to watch TV or something.

I turned on the TV feeling like my body has officially gave up on itself. I started crying well it wasn't crying just quietly sobbing I was used to it at this point.

The heart rate monitor was starting to flat line slowly and slowly. It was painful to look at all of my old classmates watch me slowly die. They knew this would happen just not this quickly.




Doctors rushed in but Iida stopped them.

"She doesn't want to be in pain anymore just let her die." Iida told them while tears pricked his eyes. I slowly succumbed to myself and I let myself slowly die. I heard doctors around me say when I died I had a smile on my face.

Iida's point of view

"Name Y/n L/n time of death 6:45 Am on 3/10/20xx." A doctor logged. "Any of you want to say your final goodbyes it would be good to do so now."

Momo when first they had known each other for years and she just placed a single rose in her hand. She kissed her head and walked out crying.

I went next I had also known her since we went to the same middle school. I placed her hands over her heart. She reminded me of my brother when he was in the hospital. I couldn't muster up and feelings at that moment.

"Your gonna be in a better place. I want you to be happy every day of your life." I told her. I walked out and comforted Momo who was balling her eyes out.

Everyone eventually came out and most of them were crying or looked pretty close to.

"How do you think mic is gonna take it?" Midoriya asked. "I heard his wife died while giving birth to
Y/n's little brother who later died in the hospital. He has nothing anymore."

"Well Aizawa said he has know Y/n since she was 4 so he's kinda like her other dad." Uraraka told us. "If you think about it all the U.A. pro heroes have known Y/n for most of her life."

A week later

It was a private funeral mostly to keep the press and the news out. Don't they have any hero fights they should cover this is a sad time for all of us.

Momo and I were the only two from our class that were invited. Mostly since we had known her the longest.

"Do you think recovery girl could have helped her?" I asked.

"She wanted to go Iida if recovery girl helped her she still would be in pain." She told me. Mostly her family was there with some pro heroes. "She's in a better place."

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