When your scared

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It was during the school festival. You thought it would be a great idea to go through a haunted maze. Bad idea.

When shinsou dropped from the ceiling you literally just dropped down to the floor in the fetal position for a good 10 seconds. You wouldn't let go of him for the rest of the house.


You were never scared of Bakugou's quirk when he yelled at anyone including you. When you met his family and his mom started yelling you started shaking.

He immediately yelled at her for scaring you and when he made the connections that you both were like his parents he started laughing in his head. But he cuddled you until you calmed down.


When you met his father for the first time. You kinda just froze up and became a robot for a little bit. Todoroki didn't seem to bat an eye at first but he noticed you seemed scared.

"Call him whatever you want he can't do anything since you might report him." Todoroki whispered. You relaxed and just called him a bunch of names under your breath.


He knew you hated it when he would get hurt. So on April fools day he came up with something. He had Mei make a bunch of fake blood and made it seem like his ribs were out.

You walked into his room and screamed when he did that. He pretended to be dead and when you were crying. He ripped the makeup off and you slapped him for scaring you.


You both were watching horror movies when the power went out. You were trying not to cry while Mina told more ghost stories.

You broke down and everyone just seemed to nod along. Denki gave you cuddles until you calmed down.


He knew not a lot of things scared you so he hid behind a corner and jumped out at you. You screamed really loudly. He started laughing.

Tokoyami was just laughing at you both while Tsu just hit him.


He knew you didn't like heights so he launched you into the air and you caught yourself on a lamp post. You ended up getting stuck.

Aizawa cussed under his breath as he got you down. Sero got in big trouble for it.


You always hated his sharp teeth since you were always scared he would just take a big chunk out of your flesh. Well one day he did just that.

You started yelling at him and he took you to the hospital. You didn't let him kiss you for a week.


You were staying with your mom for a little bit when Dabi broke into your room. He just kinda just stared at you until you woke up.

When you woke up he was passed out and you heart was racing since it was just a figure sitting there. You turned the light on and was relieved that it was just Dabi.


One of your cats was acting weird so you took it to the vet and you got freaked out. Aizawa just held your hand while waiting for the cat to be done being examined.

The cat ended up just having a hair ball and was fine.


He always played stupid little pranks on you and he thought this one was great. Well when he was setting it up he fell and broke his leg.

You walked past him and just stared at him before freaking out. He laughed as you panicked and you just picked him up and took his to the medical part of the estate.

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